Low carb help while using My Fitness Pal



  • Brin1956
    Brin1956 Posts: 168 Member
    lodro wrote: »
    I'm really questioning the sanity of low carb - low fat, but that's me.
    Maybe I should've said normal fat intake. Studies have shown that the main health improvement comes with sugar reduction. I'm a diabetic so a low carb diet is good for me. Of course I'm not trying to follow a 1200 calorie diet either.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Brin1956 wrote: »
    Brin1956 wrote: »
    I need to go low carbs and low fat. I just ordered a spiralizator to make zucchini and carrot noodles. I know my love for carbs is not a healthy one. I tried a paleo diet but hubby wasn't happy with the recipes. I loved them but they were more work. The eggplant lasagna I thought was a keeper but hubby wants his carbs. Have you looked at THM recipes too? I looked on Pinterest.com for recipes for both diets and came up with a lot of substitutes for a carb lover like me. I don't want to say no for the rest of my life I want an alternative that is better for me. I'm counting calories right now but plan to leave my husband for 5 months and do a combination of both of these diets. Will be different not cooking for anyone but me.

    You really should not go less than 1300 to 1400 calories a day with only light exercise. Try some of the higher calorie dishes with the low carb.

    @Brin1956 , don't mean to derail, but are you leaving your husband for 5mths so you can eat a low carb diet? Apologies if that's not what you meant..
    Not the only reason why I'm leaving him for 5 months but the main one. He eats between 3500 and 4000 calories a day and most of them in the evening at home. Can't live with someone constantly eating and lose weight. That is the time of day I find that I over eat. I'm tired of asking him to eat breakfast, a large lunch and a smaller supper. He has been very good lately about not bringing sweets into the house. I'm a diabetic on insulin I have to do something.

    LOL Wut?

    That doesn't even make sense- of course you can do that- I'm sure you have other reasons- but it's perfectly reasonable and normal to adjust your diet without impacting or being impacted by someone else's diet. It's excessive and extreme to go to those measures and not realistic for long term maintenance.
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »

    That doesn't even make sense- of course you can do that- I'm sure you have other reasons- but it's perfectly reasonable and normal to adjust your diet without impacting or being impacted by someone else's diet. It's excessive and extreme to go to those measures and not realistic for long term maintenance.

    I don't know if it's fair to categorize something like this as a "one size fits all" thing...as with recovering alcoholics, some folks could spend the entire day in a bar and never want a drink, others have to drive home a different way to avoid driving past the bar.

    If she needs to put herself in a different space for the sake of sanity at the moment, then that's what she needs to do...especially if her partner is unwilling to compromise. This isn't just a matter of which side of the roll the toilet paper comes off - it's a health issue, and it's kinda unfortunate that her partner is unwilling to compromise for the sake of supporting her efforts.
  • lhawley2081
    lhawley2081 Posts: 5 Member
    I am on day 113 of Atkins Induction. I have been following a low carb, high fat, moderate protein diet while still watching my calorie intake. 1500 calories, 5% carbs, 70% fat and 25% protein. I only count gross carbs not net carbs and my daily average for the 113 days has been 5 grams of carbs. This has worked very well for me as I have lost 59 pounds, or about a 1/2 pound a day loss. Fats and protein stick with me and I am never hungry.
    Previously I was following a low calorie, low fat diet. I was always hungry and did not lose a single ounce in 6 months. I am loving the Atkins plan and my cardiologist says it is great. That surprised me as I thought he would have negative words about this.
  • Doniakayboo
    Doniakayboo Posts: 3 Member
    Give me a idea of what u eat daily I am struggling to stay below 29 carbs!! HELP
  • Doniakayboo
    Doniakayboo Posts: 3 Member
    20 carbs!!
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    Lisa..you can EDIT your calories and macros…I follow a 5% carbs- 80% fats, 15% carbs..and still eat fewer carbs on many days….you can also edit fats, sodium etc and set your limits…go into settings and you can change whatever you need.

    MFP is set to HC SAD..so it will discourage you to see messages that do not relate to the diet you follow
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    Low Carb and Low Fat will not work. it's not satisfying, you won't get the calories your body needs and you will quit it. Look up Low Carb diets and they all include higher then SAD Fat levels. You need to hit your calorie and macro targets, the best way to do that is with healthy and natural fats. Avocado, Coconut oil, real butter and YES fattier cuts of meat, fish and poultry. Don't try low carb and low fat, it won't work. Low carb and high fat is a whole different story.
  • Wytcher9
    Wytcher9 Posts: 40 Member
    Check out paleo recipes for low carb options. It's a struggle to eat low carb, but I have found that focusing on complex carbs instead of simple carbs has helped me reduce daily carbs. It sounds like you sound talk to a nutritionist for help in eating low carb and enough calories. For most people, 1200 and under is too low.
  • LisaCullen2
    LisaCullen2 Posts: 12 Member
    I am on day 113 of Atkins Induction. I have been following a low carb, high fat, moderate protein diet while still watching my calorie intake. 1500 calories, 5% carbs, 70% fat and 25% protein. I only count gross carbs not net carbs and my daily average for the 113 days has been 5 grams of carbs. This has worked very well for me as I have lost 59 pounds, or about a 1/2 pound a day loss. Fats and protein stick with me and I am never hungry.
    Fist off Congrats! Great job!

    Second please tell me how you are getting that balance. I have tried and can't seem to come up with that balance. Can you give me an idea of a daily meal plan for you or is there a resource you are using to know what to eat to make this level. Essentially I would not be eating any vegetables I am guessing to keep it to 5 g of carbs. Any info is much appreciated
  • LisaCullen2
    LisaCullen2 Posts: 12 Member
    Wytcher9 wrote: »
    Check out paleo recipes for low carb options. It's a struggle to eat low carb, but I have found that focusing on complex carbs instead of simple carbs has helped me reduce daily carbs. It sounds like you sound talk to a nutritionist for help in eating low carb and enough calories. For most people, 1200 and under is too low.
    Thank you for the suggestions on the paleo recipes I will check them out. I do see a nutritionist and I would agree normally under 1200 calories for most people is too low but I am wheelchair bound and quite sedentary from my MS so I do not have the metabolism of the average person or the ability to burn calories at the same level. The nutritionist and bariatric specialist gave me the 1000-1200 cal count. If I were using low carb option however the calorie count is higher but the carb count is restricted
  • LisaCullen2
    LisaCullen2 Posts: 12 Member
    DAM5412 wrote: »
    Low Carb and Low Fat will not work. it's not satisfying, you won't get the calories your body needs and you will quit it. Look up Low Carb diets and they all include higher then SAD Fat levels. You need to hit your calorie and macro targets, the best way to do that is with healthy and natural fats. Avocado, Coconut oil, real butter and YES fattier cuts of meat, fish and poultry. Don't try low carb and low fat, it won't work. Low carb and high fat is a whole different story.

    I've already said this but I did not at any point say LOW FAT. I am aware that with low carb the fats need to be high with moderate protein. My question was " Does anyone know if the carb measurement used by my fitness pal is net carbs or gross carbs? " which has been answered. It was not about Low Carb and Low Fat at all
  • LisaCullen2
    LisaCullen2 Posts: 12 Member
    Lisa..you can EDIT your calories and macros…I follow a 5% carbs- 80% fats, 15% carbs..and still eat fewer carbs on many days….you can also edit fats, sodium etc and set your limits…go into settings and you can change whatever you need.

    MFP is set to HC SAD..so it will discourage you to see messages that do not relate to the diet you follow

    Thank you for this information :)
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Best wishes on working to recover by diet. I am doing the same. My go to fats are coconut oil and Heavy Whipping Cream (36% butter fat in USA) and nuts like almonds. I keep my carbs <50 grams a day. To lose I eat 2600 calories and 3000 to maintain and down to just under 200 pounds now. It really does become a natural way of eating and I have been at it for nearly a year. I am doing it for pain manage and that happened after 30 days after I finally got ticked and left carbs cold turkey. IBS was cured in 6 months in my case.