New Mommy of Twins

HI everyone!
New mom of twins. Trying to lose weight overall especially belly. C section. Desk job. According to this. ..1280 daily intake.
Any first time moms here?


  • sujithahemananth
    sujithahemananth Posts: 1 Member
    Hi... Am a first time mom, had c-section 2½ months back, doctor (now on 6 month maternity leave) same 1280 intake.. New to my fitness pal.. Just joined..
  • cblt84
    cblt84 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm a first time mom of twins too! They will be 9 months next week and I'm finally ready to lose this baby weight. Add me if you'd like. :)
  • liclo15
    liclo15 Posts: 3 Member
    I was looking for other moms of twins also. I am a first time mom to 20 month old twins. I also work full time. Would love to have some other moms to chat with and motivate. I started MFP on 8/3.