Ready to stop giving? Me too

My name is Valerie,

I'm a 21 year college student, and I've recently started my weight loss journey . I realize that losing weight isn't just about being on a diet, but a complete lifestyle change. I'm ready for that. So far I've lost a couples pounds and that itself is enough to make me keep going. I'm done giving myself excuses on why i can't exercise. Since I've been working out, I realize that instead of giving myself excuses on why I can't exercise in exchange for why I should. It's a hard transition from sedentary to very active , but I won't stop. I'm tired of giving up and a year down the road realizing that, that's a year I could have spent losing weight and being healthier.

I want to lose weight for selfish reasons as well , though :p . I'm tired of going to the mall and only having a few store options to choose from. I figured if I got myself into this, I can get myself out. I want to be able to shop at any store I please and not feel guilty or embarrassed walking into a "skinny girl" store. My goal is not to be skinny by the way, it's to be healthy! I want/need to lose a little over 100 pounds. Will you join me in my journey. A weight loss journey can be far less intimidating and more rewarding when you have friends to encourage you along the way. So add me, let's do this!