Stress fractures

I've been steadily increasing my cardio work; usually racking up about 2.6miles on treadmill each morning. On Monday I went for some interval training, not vast speeds but enough to make me work. Felt pain in ankle when came off treadmill.

Took next two days off but still no improvement. I can walk on it okay but it hurts. Slightly bruised and yesterday I noticed a lump to the left of my ankle bone. Concerned I might have gotten a stress fracture.

Have got an appointment with GP on Tuesday but not being able to exercise is doing my head in....


  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    edited August 2015
    That sounds more like a soft tissue injury than a stress fracture, for what it's worth. (Or if it is bone, a traumatic fx rather than stress.) Stress fractures build up slowly over time, with pressure building inside the bone until it cracks from the inside out. Normally you'd have some twinges of pain, getting worse, that you ignore for a few days/weeks until it's just too painful to keep going. The bruising is also not typical of a sfx.

    Regardless, injuries STINK. And it's tough to know what you *can* do until you talk to a doctor. Have you thought about floor/mat pilates or yoga, anything completely non-weight bearing? (Also swimming, but swimming is contraindicated for some joint injuries and often for early stress fractures.)

    Good luck! You're halfway there!
    COMBAT_CLAIRE Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you, feeling quite reassured