Back Again!

Hi Everyone:
So, I'm desperate .... I'm at the heaviest I've been (non-pregnant) and I'm experiencing all of the health problems that go with being obese ... sleep apnea, acid reflux, joint pain, low energy. You would think that all of that would be enough to motivate me, but the truth is that I'm really struggling right now. I've just quit Weight Watchers because Points is not for me. My fitness pal is amazing and I've had a little bit of success on it before. I know that the success I have is equivalent to the effort I put in ... today I'm jumping in with both feet. I've beat myself up a lot and it hasn't made me any healthier. I've given up a lot, but never for good. I've not lost hope. I can do this ... just need to pull the lead out! Anyway, I just wanted to say "hi" and officially get started.