Weight loss plateau help!

i have been very committed for some time now and have recently lost 12 lbs within the past month and a half. Those lbs seemed to drop fairly quickly but now I'm stuck at 189! Any advice on how to get through this? I've been researching online but would like to hear from people who have overcome their weight loss plateau.


  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited August 2015
    How long are you stuck? A plateau is not losing weight or inches for about 6 weeks or longer.
    And what are you stats

    a plateau is nothing else that you eat the same calories at you burn

    do you wegih all your food in a food scale?

    Seems to me losing 12 pounds in the past 6 weeks is pretty damm good
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Have you updated your calorie goal since you lost 12 lbs? Also, are you weighing foods and measuring liquids?
  • heatherlewisis
    heatherlewisis Posts: 118 Member
    If you've lost twelve pounds in the last month and a half you are NOT in a plateau. Plateaus last a long time, and don't happen until a person has lost a considerable amount of weight... You won't lose weight steadily necessarily. I have weeks where I don't lose, then I'll have a small loss, then no loss, then a week with a BIG loss... Be patient and keep at it. If you've gotten lazy with your weighing and measuring of food, tighten it up.
  • JillianRN527
    JillianRN527 Posts: 109 Member
    If you're not exercising I would start. HIIT will help. How are your macros?
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    A plateau is 6-8 weeks, you're losing weight, therefore not in one.
  • natlierees
    natlierees Posts: 31 Member
    A lot of your initial weight loss will be water and it will return. I overcame my plateau by increasing calories - have you calculated you BMR the 1200 caps MFP gives you isn't enough for the average person especially if you are exercising
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    natlierees wrote: »
    A lot of your initial weight loss will be water and it will return. I overcame my plateau by increasing calories - have you calculated you BMR the 1200 caps MFP gives you isn't enough for the average person especially if you are exercising

    Increasing your calories is NOT the solution for when you dont lose weight

    My bet is when you increased your calories you tightened up your logging too.
    You see this happening most of the times. People increase their calories, because it is a bit scary they get more accurate... and create their deficit again...That is why they start to lose weight..not because they eat more calories!

    Most people also dont eat 1200 calories but more than they think...
    Indeed first they lose a good amount of weight, and wipe out their deficit without knowing...then they start looking at their calorie intake, and get more accurate...or even cut more. and hops they start losing.

    Now what is the same in both situations is that people get more accurate...and create a deficit. A real deficit!

    So yes you can up your calories, but if you aren't accurate and create a deficit you will NOT lose weight. And even gain when you go surplus.