Don't You Give Up

I've been fat all my life. I've had to deal with people making fun of me, buying new clothes, going broke from eating so much. Well times have changed I'm tired of wishing I looked like so and so or I could fit into this shirt or these pants. I'm done being embarrassed of who I am. I'm not giving up this time. I've got the resources and support. This is my time. AND ITS YOURS TO. Don't you give up on yourself. When it gets tough and those cravings come (and they will) fight Em with everything you've got. Think of the person you want to be when you're done with your journey that extra piece, that slice of cake, that beer is just gonna push you farther from the man or woman you want to be. I've got about 65 pounds that I need to lose and I need all the help I can get and so do you. Let's get to where we need to be together and live the lives we've wanted. It's gonna be long and tough but the reward is too great to just give up. Love ya guys and I'm praying for ya. If you want to add me then go for it. If not good luck on your journey and know that we're all here on this app with the same goal in mind. You've got the support and all you need to do is reach out