I'm BACK.......

Been away from this for awhile, NOW, RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE it's time to GET BACK ON TRACK....I've joined a gym, gone to a Zumba class 2 days ago (have done Zumba in the past & loved it) I had no rhythm in the past and I STILL have no rhythm when I dance, it looks like I'm having serious seizures. I have realized I have a balance problem (yes I fall occasionally) I didn't fall at Zumba thank goodness. I am doing this because when I turn THE BIG 50 (in 5, yes that's FIVE months) I wanna look FIT & FABULOUS & NOT FAT & FRUMPY.... I plan on doing some sort of exercise for @ least 1 hr 3x a week... MORE if I can....
ANYONE in the N Port, Fla area? Come join my journey!