Pedometer steps

My pedometer/fitness watch does not snyc with MFP. There seems to be no way to manually add steps via exercise.

What should I do. Is there a way to put this in manually that I have not found?


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    From the Help section:
    We account for some amount of walking based on the "activity" level in your profile. If you take an additional walk for exercise and would like to get credit for the additional calories, we recommend logging this as "walking" in your Exercise diary, and recording the number of minutes walked.

    Or if your pedometer reports the calories burned, you can add a custom exercise to your database and call it "pedometer."

    If you would like to chart your steps walked on a daily basis, you can add steps as a measurement to track in your account.

    The Help article includes links.