Work vent

jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
Nothing at all about weight loss, so I assume this is the right forum....After working at the same place for nearly 15 years I have resigned to be a stay at home mom. Given my tenure and leadership role, I thought I was being gracious giving them 4 weeks' notice. This is my last week. I thought I was going to get paid out all my vacation when I left (and it's A LOT), but just read somewhere that I have to forfeit all unused vacation, even though I earned it!

So I emailed my boss to confirm this (we work in different locations, so I can't just walk over to him and ask), and he hasn't responded yet.

If this is true, I want to use vacation for a day or two this week before I'm out of here. They evidently didn't really need 4 weeks' notice--no one is asking me questions or seems concerned about how to pick up my tasks when I leave (I did create a document that should cover everything, but it is complicated role that no one else here does. They really should have been shadowing me/asking questions the past few weeks).

Now I'm mad that I gave all this notice and may not receive my vacation pay! If I had known that, I might have waited a little longer until after my next vacation (which is very soon!).

Sorry, just had to vent.