Low carb/ High protein

Hey everybody!

So about a month ago I started this program with Institute for Sustained Health. They help balance your hormones, make you un-insulin resistant and have a healthier life. I am just in the first phase of this program and right now the "goals" you are supposed to hit are as follows:
Around 130 g of protein
At least 50 g of fiber
40-50 NET carbs (total carbs minus fiber)
and when looking at calories 50% should be fat.
We aren't supposed to look at calories.
We can't eat any bread, not even the paleo (?) bread, grain anything.
Should eat 5-6 times a day (every 2-3 hours)
No vigorous exercise. You are aloud to do up to two sessions of 20 minutes of leisurely activity- i.e walking.

Really I'm just looking if anyone out there is doing something similar; if its working, how you're feeling... I know on this the main immediate goal isn't to lose weight (although I REALLY want to). I'm just becoming a bit discouraged. Within the month of doing this I've only lost about 4 lbs and I just feel sorta stagnant.


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Within the month of doing this I've only lost about 4 lbs

    1 pound a week is a sensible weight loss rate.

    As described it's a 1440 calorie diet.