
Ok, so posted the other day about thinking about going low carb, no refined sugars and no white flour. Oh my goodness!!! I had no idea that was such a sensitive subject!! Nevertheless, I have decided that I am going to try Whole30. I am stoked but already a little anxious. The foods that are the main focus are foods that I already eat all the time. It follows a similar premise to Paleo. I am all good with losing the legumes and grains and sugar and alcohol. Two things that are causing me anxiety.....
1) I am a little scared that it advocated three healthy meals a day and no snacks (not sure why I need snacks anyways. my meals will satiate me enough so that I should still get enough calories)
2) I AM AFRAID OF FAILURE!!!!! I can't stand the idea that this attempt will leave me hungry and still not losing any weight.

That is all. Any tips??


  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    Have a plan for Day 31. Diets are notorious for not setting you up for successful lifestyle maintenance after they have run their course.
  • snickers061703
    snickers061703 Posts: 15 Member
    I did it. Love it. My tips- start now preparing some whole30 recipes to get your body used to it and to reduce your sugar now. That will help with the sugar and preservative detoxing. Cook in batches and plan out your meals. I used pinterest to find recipes and made a plan for each week. The first 10 days were rough, but it got easier as I went. I did the reintroduction and found I prefer eating whole30 for the majority of the time. I lost 10 pounds in my 30 days, and I'm still averaging 2 pounds a week without worrying about counting calories or weighing my food. My moods are better and my energy is improved too. I always had a goal of getting off of sugar, and I'm proud of my progress. Good luck!
  • snickers061703
    snickers061703 Posts: 15 Member
    edited August 2015
    Also, you say you are worried about hunger. I've found it pretty easy to follow the guidelines. If you get hungry, eat a bigger meal. No guilt on this plan. I eat to satiety and eat whenever I'm hungry... I feel like I can trust my body when I eat like this to tell me how much I need. I don't feel that way when I'm eating the standard American diet.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Ok, so posted the other day about thinking about going low carb, no refined sugars and no white flour. Oh my goodness!!! I had no idea that was such a sensitive subject!! Nevertheless, I have decided that I am going to try Whole30. I am stoked but already a little anxious. The foods that are the main focus are foods that I already eat all the time. It follows a similar premise to Paleo. I am all good with losing the legumes and grains and sugar and alcohol. Two things that are causing me anxiety.....
    1) I am a little scared that it advocated three healthy meals a day and no snacks (not sure why I need snacks anyways. my meals will satiate me enough so that I should still get enough calories)
    2) I AM AFRAID OF FAILURE!!!!! I can't stand the idea that this attempt will leave me hungry and still not losing any weight.

    That is all. Any tips??

    Whole 30 is not a low carb plan. People tend to eat lower carbs because a lot of the food options are lower carb. The plan tells you to plan for more higher carb foods if you are exercising.

    On the other side, I'm a 6 meal a dayer. I do much better on it. I did try Whole 30 because my husband wanted to. I was also worried about it but never felt hungry. I did just fine on the 3 meals a day. I also liked the food.
  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    Never let fear stay in your way. You'll have plenty to eat to keep you full and satisfied. Make the protein the mainstay of your plate, that is what will keep you full. Make sure to include plenty of veggies and it's a good idea to always include a piece of fruit with your meal. If a plate of steak, mashed potatoes, garlic green beans and a few slices of melon or orange doesn't feel you up add a small salad. If that doesn't do the trick, likely nothing will :) Been on the program 15 day, lost 10 lbs. so far (I know, not suppose to weigh yourself, but whose looking anyway) and I really do see that skin glow they talk about. Strange but true.
  • Netterz0087
    Netterz0087 Posts: 91 Member
    I just started Whole30 this week and I still eat snacks. I workout daily and a majority of the time I am very active at work. I also have a fitbit to sync with MFP. I usually do some almonds, or even one piece of fruit. That is the only fruit I eat all day though. I couldn't make it between meals without snacks. I would recommend having one or two designated meal prep days during the week. I made the curry sauce...accidentally almost doubled the recipe and I've been using it to drizzle on my root vegetables throughout the week. I do still use MFP to log my food so I know that I am eating enough, and to keep an eye on my macros, since it is harder for me to get carbs. For a snack, I bake slices of potatoes and dip them in guacamole (avocado with tomatoes).

    As for meat, since most recipes are two servings, I usually make 3 meals at a time so I have options in the fridge and no excuse to order out since I have food already made. Yesterday was difficult because I had friend moving out of state and we ate out, but she was very accommodating to find a place with nutrition and ingredients listed online and we ended up going to Wagamama where I had edamame and chicken with a little bit of curry sauce and no rice.

    Good luck! It's definitely a great program! I lost 4lbs this week and I've had a lot more energy than I've had all month!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Ok, so posted the other day about thinking about going low carb, no refined sugars and no white flour. Oh my goodness!!! I had no idea that was such a sensitive subject!! Nevertheless, I have decided that I am going to try Whole30. I am stoked but already a little anxious. The foods that are the main focus are foods that I already eat all the time. It follows a similar premise to Paleo. I am all good with losing the legumes and grains and sugar and alcohol. Two things that are causing me anxiety.....
    1) I am a little scared that it advocated three healthy meals a day and no snacks (not sure why I need snacks anyways. my meals will satiate me enough so that I should still get enough calories)
    2) I AM AFRAID OF FAILURE!!!!! I can't stand the idea that this attempt will leave me hungry and still not losing any weight.

    That is all. Any tips??

    I don't understand what you are anxious about (maybe it's my reading comprehension that's lacking) - but anyway, here's what I think:
    Log everything you eat so that you know you are getting enough calories.
    Experiment with foods you like to find combinations that keep you satiated on an amount of calories that will make you lose, gain or maintain weight, depending on your goal. Do not jump on hyped-up plans advocating arbitrary foods and meal timing, both of which are irrelevant to health and weight management.