For ladies who worked to get low body fat...



  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Thank you all so much for your replies. It's really interesting to read your different approaches. To answer the questions...

    How do I want to look? slim and firm but not super muscular (I have no illusion that that could ever happen to me anyhow lol). I was thinking that a BF% of around 18-20% would be healthy and look good??

    Why don't I want to lift heavy? I am happy to lift heavy if that's what it takes but it's going to be a learning curve for me so I just wanted to know whether it was necessary. I do things like JM 30 day shred (I've run through that twice), very brisk walking, swimming and when I start my new job in July I'll be cycling to work (14 mile a day) which would really up my cardio so I wanted to know whether I needed to add the weights to achieve the results. If you're looking at my diary, the lack of recent activity has been due to my and family illness...I am so eager to get back on it.

    I have done the heybales spreadsheet and am shocked! According to my scales I have 27% fat which I thought 'looked' about right. The spreadsheet tells me it's 31%!!! Is it possible to be well into a healthy BMI and yet sooo flabby??? I wonder whether it's biased against my big, pear shaped hips! Anyhow, either way I have a ways to go yet so more exercise and calorie deficit is in order!
    Check out starting strength and add in some pull ups and dips. It's a simple program, you'll be doing three exercises each workout. Watch Ripptoe's videos for the different exercises. He does a good job of explaining them. They're simple movements, it's just really important to get them just right.