Post long run hungry.

ok this is crazy. I ran 13+ miles and biked 5 on Saturday. I was really hungry that afternoon and evening. Like starving. Sunday was my rest day so I did one mile recovery run, and I really struggled all day with feeling starving. Today I ran a 10k early this am and I am starving again this evening. I ate all my exercise calories yesterday and today, and some of them on Saturday (I 'earned' like 1,600 that day). I recently changed my plan from active to lightly active bc I was gaining a little. I am really sensitive to shifts in fluid so I am wondering if that was what was causing my weight increase before.

How long after a "long" training run (at race pace) should I still be rungry?!? Two days seems a bit much! I am working on cutting out refined sugar as I know that is a trigger for me to feel more hungry. I have a half in a week and a half, so even if I gain a little before the race that's fine...just want to have an idea of how long to expect to feel this hunger like that of a teenage boy?? I am in the maintainance phase of my journey


  • litsy3
    litsy3 Posts: 783 Member
    I don't know how long you should still be 'rungry' for, but I do know that doing 13 mile training runs at 'race pace' is not usually a very successful training strategy. Are you training for a half marathon? If so, either slow the long run down a LOT, or (if that's way too easy) be more ambitious about your race target!
  • Becky_charles29
    Becky_charles29 Posts: 125 Member
    When I get in from longer runs, my appetite is reduced but the next day....I could eat everything in sight. It is different for everyone though. Are you as hungry on day 2?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    are you eating enough protein and fat?
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    a nice big panino with some lean meat - like bresaola, - helps me, I think it has the right ratio c:f:p for me

  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    You will be hungry until you eat something. You depleted your carb reserves at that distance and pace.