
Hello everyone! Just for a bit of background i'm 172cm tall (5 feet and 7 inches) and i weigh 65kg (143lbs) at 7.5% body fat, last year I was the same weight but 13% body fat so some gains have been made. But now I'm looking to gain some mass and get to about 72kg (about 160lbs) while maintaining a low body fat (less than 10%). This is my first true bulk, i'm eating around 2650-2750 calories a day 50% carbs (330g) 25% fats (75g) 25% protein (165g).
My question is about the macros, am i getting the proportions right ? If not what do you suggest ? Plus the foods are very clean no processed foods and no cheating at all.
Thanks for anyone who reads and replies :)


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Your macros should be fine. And don't stress the processed foods so much. The more important thing is staying consistent with hitting your calories. Eating clean will not improve the muscle/fat ratio.
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    Your macros should be fine. And don't stress the processed foods so much. The more important thing is staying consistent with hitting your calories. Eating clean will not improve the muscle/fat ratio.

    I agree with this.
    It is a lot harder to get enough calories out of chicken and broccoli than it is out of icecream and cookies.
    As long as you hit your protein, fat and micronutrients, who cares where the other calories come from.

    Just keep in mind that you will gain fat in a bulk. It is unavoidable. That is why a bulk is followed by a cut.