Calorie Shifting?

I'm just starting my weight loss journey (again) but this time trying My Fitness Pal! I am wondering if anyone has ever tried shifting their caloric intake during the week? For example, if I were to have 1500 calories a day but would like to have something to look forward to for the weekend I would shift my calories around to give me more calories on- let's say Saturday. So, 1500 calories a day x 7 days = 10,500 calories for the week. But if I use 1,300 calories for six of the days that would give me 2,700 to splurge with on Saturday. Has anyone tried this method and has it been successful??? Thanks!


  • 6502programmer
    6502programmer Posts: 515 Member
    Folks have used it all the time. Just remember to be responsible in your "banking". If you're at 1500 calories a day, and are set to lose a pound per week, you're already at a 500 calorie deficit. If you exercise, don't eat back your calories, AND skate lower to bank calories, you'll start burning up LBM, which is not good.

    Really though, you're better off making your daily intake fit your caloric goals. If you go over (responsibly, not recklessly) once in a while, it's not a big deal. Scheduling a splurge and eating towards that sets up an unhealthy relationship with your food. Eat what you want--Just less of it.
  • zombiemusicgirl
    zombiemusicgirl Posts: 98 Member
    I have tried that, but I am really bad at sticking to it. Some people are great at it though! I just find that sometimes I am going to go over. I try to get over it and move on at the next meal, or after whatever party/event I attend where I go over.
    Otherwise I just work at staying within my daily limit. But I am really more of an expert on what doesn't work than what does some days.
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    I think 2700 is a pretty big splurge, and I would adjust it to be less of a splurge if it were me. I try to normalize across the week, keeping track of minor overages and deficits to average out at my target. I would say 2000 is a more reasonable "splurge." This is a very personal thing, but if it were me I would have an easier time staying on track, making good choices, and maintaining a good relationship with food by using a more modest splurge.
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,979 Member
    It works just fine. Many folks only look at their weekly total.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    I can never stick with it. I've found that if I go over on Saturday, I can eat less Sunday if I feel the need to. I don't go by weekly total, that's actually harder for me to account for. With that being said, I have gotten used to the Fitbit graph they have for over/under/on target, so if I go over, I can look at the last seven days and see where I am. If I'm under for most of it, then I'm ok.
  • loves86
    loves86 Posts: 88 Member
    For me, its too hard to stick to, if I want to splurge on a Saturday, I just do it, and then maybe workout harder the next day, splurging in moderation isn't going to stop your weight loss
  • cv2k
    cv2k Posts: 30 Member
    Splurge now, burn later because guilt can be a motivator.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    I find that if I eat to satisfy my hunger, get the nutrition that my body needs, and enjoy what I am tasting then I am less likely to nibble on things that are empty calories, which reduces my chances for success.

    That being said occasionally I have gone over my goal by a couple hundred calories, (2 times in the last 6 weeks) and it did not seem to harm my progress very much.

    If I tried to do what you are suggesting I think I would be obsessing to much about the food I was going to eat on that one day. Then eat to much. Feel bloated and not want to move. That does not work for me.

    I guess what I am saying is know what works for you, and be true to it.

    It does not hurt to experiment with something to see if it works for you.
  • stewksbury270
    stewksbury270 Posts: 3 Member
    That makes sense! Food for thought! :-)