Going another round

lauralash1024 Posts: 29 Member
edited August 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I am not new to this, in fact I have been the classic yo yo dieter for most of my adult life. I have had success, and I have had failures. I have probably tried every diet known to man and yet I can never manage to stay where I feel I should be. I have recently gained about 15 lbs in the last year, due to stress, lack of exercise and probably a screwy metabolism due to extreme dieting. (Dining out may have helped as well)


  • nomoremuffintop45
    nomoremuffintop45 Posts: 5 Member
    our story is the same id like to add you as a friend. Ive been away from mfp for a few years but feel like it is the only realistic way I will stay on track since nothing every lasts and this plan has lasted the longest for me. my profile pic is me at 35 after baby number 3 I went on to have another baby at 38 and am heading toward my 47th birthday next year. I have been off the wagon for 3 years need to get that butt moving- I need to lose 14 pounds to be at a happy weight. currently 5'1 139 - I hope you will consider adding me so we can support each other in this battle of the bulge!!!!!
  • lauralash1024
    lauralash1024 Posts: 29 Member
    Would love the friend add! I have been playing with the same 15-20 since I had my 3rd almost 8 years ago! I lost after my 2nd and was at my all time lowest for almost 9 yrs until my son was born in 07. Hitting 46 in a few months... It gets harder every year!