Healthy Long Haul Flight



  • Bex_hostie
    Bex_hostie Posts: 52 Member
    Hey, I'm a long haul air stewardess, so I have this problem day in day out :D
    I would say have a nutritious meal before leaving for your flight. But then it goes without saying by the time meal service is delivered you'll be hungry again... My tips for that is:
    Leave the bread (or take your own)
    And the meat in the meals are sprayed/injected with fat so that when we cook them in aircraft ovens which are incredibly drying they don't dry out. So I don't eat the meat onboard - nothing good is in that :)
    Maybe have some bits and pieces with you that you can add to your meal, a salad from the terminal once you've passed through security! Some healthy snacks for mid flight. A cuppa soup, ask the crew nicely there'll give you some hot water!
    Interestingly it's been scientifically proven that our taste buds change in the air to what they are on the ground, we have a celebrity chef create our meals for our premium cabins and they're all cooked and tested at altitude. But you need to enjoy your flight!!! It's a treat
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    I did a 30 hour trip last year and brought healthy snacks that I normally enjoy. Sliced apples, string cheese, snack bars, etc. get up when you can and move around but enjoy a book, a movie or whatever captures your attention.

    I tend to enjoy eating locally and try and be smart about it, bottled water for the first couple of days and not too much fresh fruit or veggies (cooked is usually ok).

    Anthony Bourdain says "Every country in the world has some sort of meat on a stick"...find it and enjoy it!