starting over again! :(

In 2012 I lost around 54 pounds took me about 6 months....well in the past 3 years I have gained 51 of those pounds back and its so depressing I'm so embarrassed to see people that haven't seen me since I put the weight back on...none of my clothes fit me anymore and I have tried starting over almost every single day for the past year and it seems like by noon time I give up! I really need some motivation cause I don't think I can do this a second time its so hard and I can't figure out why I'm thinking this way! I'm new to this app and I could really use some friends who are feeling the same way and help me get out of this rut that I'm stuck in! Please help! :)


  • jb32hss
    jb32hss Posts: 23 Member

    I first joined MFP in 2012 whilst I was at uni and was doing really well, but work commitments meant I needed to travel 2 hours a day to work so the gym fizzled out.

    I'm back 3 years later weighing 14pounds more, but with a new job 10 minutes from home I can get back to the gym :)

    I'm in my 2nd week of eating well and going to the gym and feel great after every session and when I complete my diary under my calory count :)

    Feel free to add me!

  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    edited August 2015
    why are you overweight? why did you gain the weight back? what did you learn? start here

    ..and stop counting how many times you've tried to start again. it doesnt matter. you are still learning.
  • sebring2008ks
    sebring2008ks Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you guys! I need all the motivation I can get! I feel like since I did it before its boring and I try to do everything the same way I did before when I lost weight...and it clearly isnt working for me so I have to switch it up I guess