Doing weight loss alone.

I just need someone to talk to through my whole process. Doing it alone is hard enough. My name is Cailee and I'm 22 and have been overweight since puberty. I'm wanting to turn my life around and do something for myself, which means being the best I can be.


  • kellyjaneturner611
    Hiya Cailee
    Shifting pounds Is so hard isn't it! I'm terrible when it comes to calorie counting and I have no willpower when it comes to cake and chocolate haha if you need someone to chat to please feel free to add me
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    Hi can do this. Here is a great thread to get you started. So much valuable information in one place. read all of the links!

  • Scott7609
    Scott7609 Posts: 204 Member
    Hello!! I'd be glad to help in anyway... Feel free to add me if you like
  • jessiefrancine
    jessiefrancine Posts: 271 Member
    Hi can do this. Here is a great thread to get you started. So much valuable information in one place. read all of the links!

    This. Start by reading this thread.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    and you are here now, so you aren't alone
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited August 2015
    It's definitely a tough journey and having someone who understands what you're going through can make things that much better.

    I know I've had moments where I just want to sit and cry . . . for no other reason then I just want to cry. Sometimes when I'm working out - and this happens more in personal training sessions - I just want to cry and give up and yell and scream because I'm so frustrated I can't do something. I just want to not hurt after a training session - I want to look at my personal trainer and say she has to challenge me more, but everything she comes up with is a hard freakin challenge. Although I guess that's why she is my trainer . . . lol . . . I don't want her to not challenge me. When I see how fit other people are, I want to know I'm also that fit and I can kick *kitten*. I hate that I physically am not at where I'm mentally at. It's frustrating and makes me hate on life big time . . . but then I remember where I was not even 3 years ago. I've come so far and I've done so much - we can often lose sight of that.

    It's definitely difficult, so if you ever need someone to chat with feel free to reach out. We've all been where you are, in some way, shape or form, and we get it. It's one of the hardest journeys anyone will ever go on.

    I'm really glad you're doing it for you - you should never do it for anyone else but you :)
  • RV_08
    RV_08 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Cailee, I have just recently gone through my own journey and happy to support or advise you on yours!
  • ninkerbell10
    ninkerbell10 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi cailee, I'm doing this alone too and have been overweight for 10 years. I find calorie counting very easy and this time it's not bothering me being on a diet one bit. Feel free to add me if you need support from someone who can spur you on with tips on foods that don't feel too restrictive x
  • mirandagirl2
    mirandagirl2 Posts: 160 Member
    Hi Cailee! Welcome and best of luck to you ☺ Feel free to add
  • aliciasilfies
    aliciasilfies Posts: 179 Member
    Hello! :) You've taken a huge step in the right direction by starting! Feel free to add me for motivation and support
  • Cailee66
    Cailee66 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks guys! It's so humbling to know people just want to help!:)
  • Scott7609
    Scott7609 Posts: 204 Member
    Your welcome @Cailee66 hope it's going well
  • gummybear66
    gummybear66 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey Cailee, nice to meet you :smiley:

    You seem determined to work towards making your life and health better. The absolute most important thing to remember, is that weight loss takes time, and there are no shortcuts or "revolutionary methods".

    Instead of setting your goals too high and feeling like a failure when you don't hit the mark, set realistic monthly goals and experience satisfaction and get a sense of achievement.

    I hope to follow you on your journey, as well as sharing my own journey with you. Add me as a friend if you feel like it :smiley:
  • ashleighmxxx
    ashleighmxxx Posts: 57 Member
    Hey hun, everyone feels alone at some point, mines more and more frequently lol, feel free to add i love trying to motivate & speak to others in the same boat as me! X
  • sunainadas001
    sunainadas001 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm new to this app. Need some motivation too. My aim is to lose 40 lbs in 3 months. Currently I'm 138 lbs. Started my weight lose journey 1 week ago. I want to lose it in a healthy way with lots of exercise. It was nice seeing ur post.
  • vicious_trissy
    vicious_trissy Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Cailee, I'm new too and I feel alone to. Thankfully it seems people are great on here. Add me and we can motivate eachother!!
  • elizalinda2015
    elizalinda2015 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey I know how u feel. I am also alone all my friends skinny and don't understand. Please add me am in need of motivation. Eliza
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    Heya! you can add me, I love to talk to new people :) I also try to be really supportive on here. Good luck!
    NCGOALIEMOM Posts: 80 Member
    Hey girl! The glorious thing you have on your side is youth, so you'll be able to kick booty in no time! (after 40 is a whole other ball game :neutral: ) This is a GREAT place to get support and get help with dietary issues. I've become darn near a master of clean eating over the last 5 years (wish my butt was small enough to prove it!) so if you want any tips on cleaning up your diet, feel free to friend me and I can give you tips on transitioning (it was really hard for me in the beginning... but now I eat a primarily raw vegan diet... it certainly didn't happen overnight though)
  • Bruery
    Bruery Posts: 693 Member
    Would agree with NC - your youth will help you greatly! Your engine isn't damaged yet so kick in some good eating with a little more activity and form good habits around those two areas and you are well on your way. The key though is to love yourself and never think negative, be confident in your own skin, you are a beuatiful woman!