Overeaters Anonymous - new member

kcs121 Posts: 14 Member
edited August 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All,

I am a compulsive overeater, and a member of Overeaters Anonymous. I have been abstinent for about 4 months and lost weight (first time in my life) - Joining MFP to make sure i am eating enough (especially carbs), as the last 4 months i think i haven't been (following a paleo type diet)
For the last two days have binged constantly, my stomach is distended from the binges. I want to have a sustainable food plan that i can maintain for the rest of my life. I would like to lose more weight, and have put my carbs at 100g per day..i KNOW how to lose weight through diets but they have never been sustainable, and this is my goal now.
My triggers are refined sugar and white flour - cannot stop at one. So i will be steering clear of these. Due to my disordered thinking i am extremely "scared" of eating foods such as bread and rice however i know these in moderate amounts will be good for me.
Any advice/welcome would be appreciated!