New to online communities

Hi, I'm 25 and carrying around 20 extra pounds compared to my wedding day 2 years ago. I have lossed and regained weight a lot over the last 2 years, and generally battled with my weight my whole life. I dont have much support at home, and am looking for support online. Feel free to add me and we can support each other!

My motivations for a healthy diet are:
1. I want to feel like the person I was on my wedding day.
2. I want to lose weight before my first pregnancy .
3. A healthy body reduces the symptoms of my PCOS and helps my body regulate hormones.
4. I want to get back into rock climbing.

I recently started a Keto-based diet, as this has been proven to promote weight loss. (Inducing ketosis has also been found to help women with PCOS.)

Again, feel free to add me!
