Man of Steel

...but right now I am the man of cheese.

43 years old. 10 years ago I was fit, attractive and confident. I am single again (been so for some time now) and I think the biggest deterrent of my getting back in the game is the lack of confidence in the way I look. My career choices have left me competing for jobs with younger, more active, seemingly eager and more confident peers. This is not good.

I am pushing 190lbs and I should be closer to 160. My first day of counting calories is not even half over... and from what I would consider a healthy meal, I have already almost reached my calorie goals for the day. Seems I have a lot to learn about portion size and what really constitutes healthy eating. It is not the first time I put myself through the ringer. I quit smoking 6 years ago, so I know the pain I will soon endure.

With your help, and a kick in the *kitten* to get to the gym (because even though it is just two floors down and free I still can't manage to motivate myself), I hope to learn a lot over the next few months. I am here to turn cheese to steel.


  • carlogs619
    carlogs619 Posts: 12 Member
    Same boat, but we aren't young anymore, but it doesn't mean we can let are selves go. When I started I thought I was eating right, and found out I was over by lunch. It takes time but you will get it. Add me and I will help motivate you!