I think I can, I think I can but can I?

My first post but I read the forums regularly...

A brief history, last year I was hospitalized with Ulcerative Colitis and C. Dif which caused Reiters Syndrome (Reactive Arthritis). I've always struggled with weight but the high dosage of prescribed steroids and Rx, I blossomed to 250 pounds. I have lost 25 pounds now through MFP and walking. A relapse has me back on Prednisone and I'm struggling with my commitment to weight loss. I'm trying to stay in my set calories, then add the steroid induced swelling and retention, and so on it's difficult and depressing. Calories In/Calories Out is not bulletproof.

In the ideal world, I would like to lose 110 pounds. Roughly 140 pounds for a 5'8, 47 yoa, woman. I log, I weight my foods, I walk 3-4 miles as exercise, not counting the mileage from being on my feet at work. I'm one of those picky eaters and eat basically the same thing regularly.

Is there any hope? Are there any magic words of encouragement that will help me reach my goals while on Prednisone?

Thanks for any words of wisdom.


  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Keep walking, keep logging on MFP, and keep doing whatever you were doing to lose that 25 pounds. I don't know anything about prednisone, but I do know that some drugs cause you to gain weight. Hopefully your condition can respond with a different medication that doesn't cause weight gain. In the meantime, don't give up. Keep logging and walking, and best of luck to you.
  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member
    I am sorry to hear that you have been so unwell and wish you all the best for your continued recovery.

    Luckily I have not gained any weight from Prednisone (baseline 15mg up to 25 mg ) for the last 2 years, I know that much of the side effects such as fluid retention and the moon face are worse as dosage levels increase.

    Keep up with the exercise and counting your calories scrupulously.....I was aware of the weight gain associated with steroids but I am not sure that it is inevitable if you keep your eye on the ball. ie Calories in and calories out still applies....

    For me adjusting my macros with a slight reduction in Carbs all the while increasing Protein and Fat keeps me fuller and avoided the 'munchies'.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    If you think you can, then YOU CAN. Even if your medication were to prevent you from reaching your ideal goal, and although the journey might be more challenging, it won't prevent you from making any progress. If you could get only 75% or 50% to your ideal, wouldn't it still be worth it?
  • xrayangie99
    xrayangie99 Posts: 2 Member
    I also have ulcerative colitis. No prednisone at this time. The only thing that helped at the times I was on it was exercise, and portion control. I had to stop eating even though I wanted more.
  • xrayangie99
    xrayangie99 Posts: 2 Member
    I used to be super thin with my uc, I was so sick that I vomited often. Which wasn't good. Or was just so nauseous I wouldn't eat. When modern meds came about and I got my uc under control I gained weight. I was so happy I could eat again. But as age caught up with me and body pain and injuries, I am carrying too much weight. My greatest hurdle is fatigue
    I wish you well in your journey.
  • catnlabs
    catnlabs Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement. I'll stick with it and hope for the best.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Stick with it

    The frustration of water weight from steroids is temporary and masking your continued fat loss

    It's unfortunate

    But hold fast that one day the water will whoosh away and you'll see the results of your commitment to yourself

    PS we are the same height and my ideal weight is 160 ...reassess when you get close to your BMI range you may be surprised at what weight you love how you look in the mirror ...at 140 I wouldn't be happy ...I dropped to 155 and started to get a bit concerned tbh