Help I cant get back on track

reddwarfen Posts: 8 Member
edited August 2015 in Motivation and Support
No matter how hard i try i cant get back on track. I keep telling myself im going to gain it back if i keep eating. I am making wrong food choices and no matter how much i read, self help stuff., its like im reaching for stuff and before i know it ive rationalize its ok to eat it. But it's not. I dont want to gain any back! Ive lost the weight twice before and i fall back onto the comfy old paths. Sorry if im rambling, im not sure how to get what im feeling written down. Thanks.


  • bodymindmusic
    bodymindmusic Posts: 118 Member
    I have been there so many times and feel your pain. I have self sabotaged for decades. Start with getting off processed foods, they are designed to do this to your brain. So much of what we eat is chemically enhanced to addict our brains into wanting more and turning off receptors so that we crave more of the junk. It's a bad hamster wheel. When you go to the store limit the amount of items that you get in a can or out of a box. It's hard..the fact that it is almost impossible should tell you something. Read labels and don't bring anything home that you shouldn't eat. It will kill you for a while but you will break the habits. Start taking apple cider vinegar daily and increase herbal supplements. It's going to take some time. You have to cleanse your body from the inside to kick this.

    Why do you think we are all here in agony about our bodies and our weight? They started adding unlimited food additives to the food supply in 1980 and now we all look like fat, unhealthy lab rats that have to struggle to be healthy. It helps me to look at it through a bigger lens without emotion. I have always suspected there was more to it than just me. Our bodies are reacting to poisons and chemicals in our food with inflammation and water retention and retention of fat.

    For example there is so much sugar in a can of soda that they have to add phosphoric acid to the soda so your body will not immediately throw it up. It's poisoning your body but because they add that powerful chemical agent. You can keep it down. Because you keep it down the acids leach calcium from your bones. It's all a crazy cycle but look at us just getting fatter and unhealthier decade by decade and look at what is in our stores...about 75% chemical junk making a lot of companies money and a lot of commercial farmers money. Overweight is the new normal! This isn't the only issue obviously but an easy place to start although challenging. Good luck!