Losing 55kgs to see my daughter grow up.

Okay, so this may be my 100th time attempting a diet/lifestyle change, but I still have not given up. Sense things are changing in relation to my health and have felt funny things in my chest, so I really must make changes or I will either have a crappy life or die before my daughter reaches 15. But why do I feel scared and sabotage my own successes by going back to old habits? I love healthy food, I love walking/exercise and I know what I shouldn't eat. But whenever I get stressed or emotional I tend to overeat and binge. Then feel really guilty. I want to stop this relationship with food and use it as nutrition for my body. I know there are three things that have worked in the past. They are: 1. Tracking on MFP EVERY DAY honestly, including all the bad things. 2. Exercise every day, if it's raining, go walk the shopping centre or go crazy with housework. and 3. Set goals that are realistic and achievable. I love my daughter so much and really want to do this for her because this version of myself is not who I feel I could be. If there is anyone else with stocks of weight to lose who finds the weight they are now carrying makes it difficult, I would be happy to have conversations and support each other. THIS IS THE LAST TIME I'M DOING THIS, I WILL NOT FAIL.