I'm a lazy sack of lard



  • Annaleighmarie
    Annaleighmarie Posts: 200 Member
    I can relate. All I do is lay down and watch TV or sit at my computer. Whats making the whole situation worse is my anxiety disorder. I get scared whenever I finally decide to get out and walk to the point where,I usually just walk right back inside.
  • Mezzie1024
    Mezzie1024 Posts: 380 Member
    Good for you for recognizing the path your current habits are taking you down. Now that you've done that, maybe change the self talk. How about, "Hi, I'm Jade, and I've decided to change my eating and exercise habits so I can enjoy my health well into retirement." :smile:
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    In my weight loss therapy class we covered self-talk. It is surprising how dismissive and self-deprecating we can be when we would never use those same words with anyone else.

    What is a do-able exercise you could add to your nightly routine today? Might you walk around the block? The trick is to start somewhere.
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    One day, I will realize that I was Tyler Durden all along.

    The first rule of MFP is don't talk about...wait, it's okay to talk about MFP.

    jgnatca wrote: »
    The trick is to start somewhere.

    So true. Starting somewhere + commitment to keep it up + patience because it will take some time to feel and see improvements. You can do it, as soon as you decide to do it.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Step one complete. Recognizing that you have a problem. Congratulations!!

    Now on to step two. Doing something about it.
  • Tchpeace
    Tchpeace Posts: 8 Member
    Mezzie1024 wrote: »
    Good for you for recognizing the path your current habits are taking you down. Now that you've done that, maybe change the self talk. How about, "Hi, I'm Jade, and I've decided to change my eating and exercise habits so I can enjoy my health well into retirement." :smile:

    Agreed. You have completed step 1 just by joining MFP and talking about it......Now that you are ready for step two...do it with positive self talk. Keep it simple. Taking a walk worked for me. I will tell you that I have just joined this week and I find that MFP really helps me in many ways...
    1. Helps me get excited and maintain positive self talk
    2. Tracking food is fun! I really get to see where I'm at. My husband always told me to track my food (he is a gym junkie) but it was a struggle and I saw no benefits so I gave up. But MFP is different. It tells a story. You really get to see the calories/nutritional values of your eating behaviors which makes it a lot easier to make small adjustments daily.
    3. Tracking my exercise is fun too! There is another website called MapMyFitness that allows you to use maps and GPS to track your walks. I walk on trails just outside my yard and using the satelite maps allowed me to create routes for myself that do not necessarily follow roads. You can also sync MFP with MapMyFitness. Both sites are owned by the same company.
    4. When I do sit on the couch, I am always logged in to MFP. This helps a lot in that I am always reading comments from others and writing them. Just the reinforcement of reading supportive comments and helping others really keeps me on track. It beats sitting on the couch and eating. Although a lot of comments may seem the same, it is the power of suggestion that sticks with me even if I am reading the same thing over and over. It is very empowering.

    Its nice to know that there are a lot of us feeling the same way and we are all going through the same challenges. The only difference is that some are at different stages of their journey. There are so many success stories. It doesn't just work for other people. I works for everyone who wants it!

    Stand tall and you too will have what so many have already worked hard to get.
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    Jade, firstly, welcome to MFP. The tools are here to help you attain your goals. Secondly, you're 19 and have 23 pounds to lose. This is by no means a hopeless endeavour, and for goodness sake, you are not a sack of lard. Get off the sofa and get of the house, go do fun stuff. The weight will drop off.