coriritchie Posts: 2 Member
I am researching the three bands by BodyMedia Fit and I am sure that I do not want the Core model. However, I am not really understanding the difference between the Advantage model and the Link model. They look the same but there has to be a difference. It appears that the Advantage is the TOP model but the Link model seems to have all the same things. Please assist...thanks!


  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    I have the LINK. The difference is that the LINK syncs directly to your smartphone in real time, and then you can manually upload your data to the site from your phone (in my case iPhone5...but it worked with my 4 as well) or you can plug it into your computer/laptop to change and it will auto sync from there as well. The advantage ONLY syncs to the computer.

    Personally, I love being able to go somewhere (say, out on a hike or something) and be able to sync to my phone and know right then and there that I've burned calories etc. Just know that if you sync early in the day (especially before any planned workout) it will basically tell MFP that you haven't burned enough calories for the day and MFP will automatically lower your calorie goal for the day, lol. Once you work out and then re-sync, the calories will re-adjust, and you'll be able to eat-back your calories, if you're into that sort of thing.

    I love my band. It is responsible for teaching me that there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with my metabolism, and I just need to get off my *kitten* more. :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • coriritchie
    coriritchie Posts: 2 Member
    Great reply! You told me all that I needed..... I'm off to make my purchase! Thank you!