Looking for friends - medical student, in my 30s, on Paxil, Weight Watchers refugee!

Hi all! I've had great success in the past with Weight Watchers, but lately it just hasn't worked for me. I've been following it pretty consistently since May and only have lost around 5 lbs, and then have kept gaining and losing the same 1 lbs around 146 / 147 for the entire summer. I put on a lot of weight when my father was diagnosed with cancer last year, and I'd like to take it off again, my comfortable / attractive weight is in the low 130s.

I'm on Paxil for pretty severe anxiety, so I think that may be making it hard for me to lose weight - I also have hypothyroidism. I'm a medical student, so I'm insanely busy and rely on convenience foods way more than I should. And I love wine and consider it important for my education and sanity, haha.

I'm addicted to Flywheel (spinning) and Pure Barre, and I wear a Microsoft Band to help track my calories and activity.

I'd love to make friends with anyone who has one, some, or all of the same issues as me! :)