can't live with them, can't live without them...

Ok, I’m in a sorority and I truly love my sisters to death. But sometimes its so hard to be around them. My sisters are beautiful, and so many of them are blonde and skinny and tan and just downright gorgeous. Chapter dinners usually consist of some form of pasta and its hard to have self control and watch what I eat. We eat (a lot), drink (a lot, a lot!), and be merry (all the time!) I love being around them, but sometimes I feel so fake because I just don’t feel pretty standing next to them. Its hard to be confident and have a good time when we all go out together because I just feel like I’m the “fat girl” in the group. I feel like I plaster this happy face on when sometimes inside I just don’t feel good enough. Can anyone relate to this? Have any advice?


  • resptech97
    resptech97 Posts: 147
    I know your pain! I have felt like that all my life. Except for it was my real life sister. She has never been overweight! She was homecoming maid and voted most popular. Well me...I was wrapped up in my shell because I was afraid of criticism! I was made fun of when I was younger. Now no one calls me names or picks at me anymore. We have grown up. But the pain of all those years still hurt. I am still that little girl being beat down by cruel harsh words! My self confidence has come up some since I am losing weight. But I am not there yet. It is a long journey for me. But for you....I see your picture and you are very pretty! If your friends are your friends and they accept you then whats the deal. The deal is YOU dont accept YOU! And only YOU can do something about that!
  • ksnurse25
    ksnurse25 Posts: 62 Member
    I too have a sister that is very pretty and A LOT smaller than me. I love her to death, but it makes me look at myself and wonder what went wrong with me! She is on this site as well and has been helping me with weight loss. Love her! Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that there are others out there with the same issue. But, I also want to let you know that you are a very pretty girl. I mean that in a totally non gay way. :) Focus on whats better for you (like getting healthier, feeling better in your clothes, more energy) rather than focus on how others are skinner than you or in your perspective...prettier. You need to be able to live with yourself...for who you are...before you can live with or without others as you say. You are on the right track and keep your chin up high. You're a knock out and with the right attitude and confidence, you can do anything. Good luck!
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    You have so much going for you! Obviously you have everything the other girls have, just happen to have a little extra too. :) Don't let that one thing put a shadow over all of your accomplishements! You got into this sorority - that means they think you are great, you should too.

    I'd bet that some of the other girls would be interested in eating better... maybe they don't have weight to lose, but maybe they don't feel well after eating all the 'bad stuff'. Maybe start with one night a week you all cook healthy, maybe even make in some kind of taste test or some other kind of contest. You could be the inspiration that gets your whole sorority eating healthy, and who knows how many people that will help when they bring it back to their families, or start their own!
  • 20chloe09
    20chloe09 Posts: 39 Member
    I feel like that all the time. I am at university and all the girls in my group of friends are skinny and gorgeous - I'm the funny one. To cap it all they all have boyfriends and I have about 10 close male friends - because I have a great personality but am not seen as attractive. This is what motivates me to get the extra weight off so that I can start meeting people who see me in the same way as they see my friends. I also think though, that there is something very attractive and empowering about a woman who takes control of her life and of her body and works towards the figure she wants. That is what you are doing and you will get there and you will look how you want to look. But along the way remember how strong you are and how you have taken control and are making those steps towards your goals. Your determination is to be admired and your gorgeous new figure will be too. Good luck.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I can relate to how you feel with my friends. I've always been the fat one in any group. It sucks. There's no other way to describe it. That's one of the reasons why I'm so desperate to lose weight. I don't want to be the fat one anymore.