Calling all Spartans!

Just curious if there are any fellow Spartans out there? I'll be doing my second next month at Fort Bragg. I can't wait.. AROO!!! :)


  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    AROO! Seasoned vet here getting my 2x trifecta next weekend in VA. VT will be 3x. Friend request being sent your way!!!
  • jaimebruckler
    jaimebruckler Posts: 171 Member
    Fantastic!!!! I aspire to your level!!!!
  • spartan_d
    spartan_d Posts: 727 Member
    Look at my name.
  • ohiobrad
    ohiobrad Posts: 1 Member
    AROO! I have been thinking about going to Fort Bragg but am unsure about my time off of work. I am signing up for Pittsburgh this week! Good luck!
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    Aroooo! Australian spartan here. :)