maintain weight

If you are at your goal. What are you doing to maintain your weight?


  • tmblastquads
    tracking activity level and caloric intake. Also measuring weight.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I'm not there yet, but I already know my plan. I'll continue on as I have been, but with a higher calorie goal.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,210 Member
    Staying active, (exercise 4 times a week). Keep calories in allowed amount (1700-1900) for me based on age, ht, wt, and activity, most of the time. Don't eat a lot of processed food, (personal preference, not a requirement)
  • raychulj
    raychulj Posts: 458 Member
    I'm continuing to lift weights 3-4 days/week with the goal of getting stronger, doing yoga daily, and at least 30 minutes of cardio 5 days/ week. I'm keeping my calories around 1800 on non-lifting days and 2200 on lifting days. I'll continue to monitor my weight weekly.
  • sklebar
    sklebar Posts: 117 Member
    I keep my goals and level at losing .2 kg per week and sedentary activity levels. I splurge once a week with 3 biscuits a week or an extra beer, but that's about it. I also bought a really good scale, which is actually at work, so when I walk in, I take off my shoes and weigh myself at the same time each day. Makes me less neurotic about stuff if I know the answers. lol I still do 5 hours of exercise a week, spin, running/sprints, weights, jivamukti yoga and some dance.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    5:2 fasting regime. Two days at 600 cals and five days eating at a calorie surplus.
    This is allowing me to do a slow recomp.

    I found my maintenance numbers by slowly increasing calories week by week.

    For me it's important to have targets so I'm always working towards strength, fitness or health goals.
  • Patovader
    Patovader Posts: 439 Member
    I have been successfully maintaining now since April last year, I use this site as a tool to ensure that I never get back to the size I was before. I weigh in once a week and I allow myself a plus or minus 2 pound margin over goal and when it exceeds that margin I either cut my calories by a small margin (maybe 200 to 250 a day for a few weeks) or if I am under I eat more pizza and drink more beer ;-)
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    This is what I am doing:

    I am 6 ft, 185 lbs and 15.6% BF, 156 lbs LBM. I lost 70 lbs to get here and it took me 14 months to do it. When I got to my goal weight of 185 lbs, I could not decide what to do next. Go to 175 lbs and 10% BF? Go to maintenance and be happy? Start a bulk?

    I decided to approach it very methodically by changing one thing at a time and evaluating the results:

    1. Maintain weight and workout regimen. I added 100 cal / week for 4 weeks until I got to my maintenance calories. All I changed was calories in. Workout and macros stayed the same as when I was cutting. That has been fairly easy to do and I am 6 weeks into this step. My weight has been 185 lbs +-2 lbs and I am now convinced I have nailed my maintenance calories. I got a BodPod when I started maintenance so I know my BF% (15.6%) and LBM (156 lbs). I consider this step complete.

    2. Focus on getting stronger while maintaining weight. This is where I am now. I am doing 5/3/1 and adding strength every week. I will adjust calories and macros as required to maintain weight. I will use the mirror to measure my progress. I will do a BodPod once I stop adding strength to see where I am BF% wise.

    3. Once I stop being able to add strength while maintaining 185 lbs, then I will have to make a decision. I am anticipating little change in LBM from step 2. But I am hopeful that I might be able to get a slight body recomposition of reduced fat and increased LBM in step 2. If the BodPod indicates I can lose fat and gain LBM while not adding weight (even if it is slow), I will continue with #2 until I get to 10-12% BF. Might take years, but I'm not in a hurry.

    4. Party like it's 1999

    Hope this helps. Controlled changes with defined and measurable steps is key, IMHO. Change too much at once and you cannot isolate the variables and correlate the results.

  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I lost my weight doing alternate day IF and now do 8:16 IF with a two meal, no snacking format. Doing this I don't have to count or track anything to maintain :)

    As for exercise-I did nothing during weight loss but when I started transitioning to maintenance in March I began walking and doing Mark Lauren's strength training program. That wrapped up a couple weeks ago and now I'm walking, training for my first 5k run and doing short strength training segments from fitness blender (AMAZING website!).