Help I'm confused

Ok don't really know where to start but here goes. I need this explained to me in an easy way please... Ok my net cals are 1200 I want to loose 2lb a week. I exercise 5/6 days a week on an exercise bike. Burning anywhere between 500/1000 cals a day. I would like to know exactly how many cals I should eat daily and still be able to loose 2lb a week... I'm confused with all the letters etc really stuck any advice will be really welcome thanks


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    edited August 2015
    You eat 1200 calories to lose 2lbs/week, that's what MyFitnessPal has recommended for you. When you exercise, you then eat the calories that you burnt back (or most people eat back 50-80% of them since exercise machines and MFP tend to overestimate exercise burn). You don't need to do any exercise to lose weight, just stick to your 1200, log accurately (weigh everything you can with a food scale) and you'll lose.

    As to whether or not you'll actually lose 2lbs/week depends on your current weight. What's your height, weight and age?
  • curvychar27
    curvychar27 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for ur reply I'm 35 5ft7 and 14st
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Also keep in mind that 1200 is the lowest goal MFP will give you, so you most likely will not be able to lose 2 pounds a week without undereating (which is not recommended)
  • curvychar27
    curvychar27 Posts: 19 Member
    Ok so the 1200 cals a day are what MFP have recommended I eat. If I do exercise daily say 500 cals it would go up to 1700 cals. But I should only eat back say 50% so that would be a total of 1450 cals a day? Is that right? And I would still lose the 2lb a week?
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    edited August 2015
    Thanks for ur reply I'm 35 5ft7 and 14st

    You could potentially lose 2lbs/week on that. To lose 2lbs/week you need to be in a 1000 calorie deficit each day (that is, you need to eat 1000 calories less than what you're burning). Google 'TDEE calculator' to work out how many calories you burn in a day. Different calculators give slightly different results, one says that, for you if you're sedentary, you burn 1940 calories a day. So if you do enough exercise to get that up to 2200 and eat 1200 a day, you'll lose 2lbs/week.

    This is all theory of course and isn't a guarantee, some weeks you'll lose more, some weeks you'll lose less. Good luck!
  • curvychar27
    curvychar27 Posts: 19 Member
    Ok my TDEE is 1186 still confused now what do I do?
  • jessmessmfp
    jessmessmfp Posts: 38 Member
    To burn 2 lbs a week, you need, on average, a 1000-calorie deficit/day. Currently at your stats, it looks like your BMR is 1650. Times that by 1.2 - to show an estimate of the calories you burn a day by not exercising: 1650*1.2=1980. So you burn 1980 a day, give or take a little. You would need a 1000 calorie deficit. If you took it solely through diet (no exercise), you would eat 980 calories a day (NO BUENO). So that's why many use diet and exercise. You can cut to 1400-1500 calorie diet, and then burn 500 day.

    This can be hard to do a daily, consistent basis. I suggest trying to lose 1.5 lbs a week. That means a deficit of 750 day. This is still great loss, and can motivate you more by not being as difficult as a full 1000.

    As you probably already know, eating clean, healthy food is important. I fill up on bulky, low calorie clean food (lots of fresh or steamed veggies, water-filled fruit like melons).

    Best of luck :smiley:
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Ok my TDEE is 1186 still confused now what do I do?

    Your TDEE is definitely not that low haha, I worked it out as 1940. Even your BMR (which is what you'd burn if you stay in bed all day - TDEE includes things like walking round, talking, eat, digesting, etc) is higher than that. Where'd you get 1186 from?
  • curvychar27
    curvychar27 Posts: 19 Member
    Ha sorry I hit wrong button lol 2066 I got somehow on frog something lol still don't know what I'm doing tho lol ok so does that mean I should only eat 1066 cals?
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Ha sorry I hit wrong button lol 2066 I got somehow on frog something lol still don't know what I'm doing tho lol ok so does that mean I should only eat 1066 cals?

    No. This means you will not lose 2 lbs per week.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Ha sorry I hit wrong button lol 2066 I got somehow on frog something lol still don't know what I'm doing tho lol ok so does that mean I should only eat 1066 cals?

    You shouldn't eat less than 1200, it's hard to get enough nutrients in if you eat that little. Eat 1200 and do a bit of exercise to get you to the 1000 calorie deficit. Or if you can't do that, as @jessmessmfp suggested, aim for a bit less per week so you can eat a bit more.
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    At the risk of being brusque, both of you misunderstand TDEE. Fortunately, you don't need to understand it, because MFP does the work for you. Just follow its recommendation, log as honestly and accurately as you can and see what happens. Give it a month. If you lose at the desired rate, stick with it. If you don't, adjust up or down as needed. And don't obsess over 2lb/wk, as if 1,5 means failure.
  • curvychar27
    curvychar27 Posts: 19 Member
    Ok many thanks for your help
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    At the risk of being brusque, both of you misunderstand TDEE.

    Could you explain the misunderstanding?
  • SaffronSunrise
    SaffronSunrise Posts: 182 Member
    Set your goal to 1 lb or .5 lb per week. You'll lose weight more slowly, but it'll be healthy loss and will be more sustainable.
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    At the risk of being brusque, both of you misunderstand TDEE.

    Could you explain the misunderstanding?

    TDEE includes exercise. TDEE net of exercise is NEAT.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    edited August 2015
    The important point is-eat back exercise calories but only about 1/2 of them. If you lose more than you should-eat more, if you lose less than you should-eat less!
    You really just have to start and then see what your body does and adjust accordingly.
    The trick is to eat the most calories possible, while still losing weight.
    Eat lots of veggies, some fruit, protein, fats and keep close to your normal diet so as not to feel deprived-aka-eat treats!
    You will be amazed at the results!
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    At the risk of being brusque, both of you misunderstand TDEE.

    Could you explain the misunderstanding?

    TDEE includes exercise. TDEE net of exercise is NEAT.

    Who said TDEE didn't include exercise?