Protein supplementing for females

Hello There,

I just starting taking protein supplements and was just curious to see if other females supplement and what they usually do and their results since taking the supplements.

I usually will do a whey protein shake before and after my workout. And I also do a casein protein shake before bed time. Ive only followed this routine on days that I do a workout.

I was curious to see what other females do concerning protein you do it everyday? or only on days that you workout, Etc. I know alot of people think that 'protein shakes/supplements makes females fat'. Ive done alot of research and am confident this is not true but it would be nice to hear from some other females and their results to reassure me!



  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    My favorite protein supplements are eggs, chicken breasts, steak, peanut butter and cheese. Seriously though, you don't need protein supplements, get your protein through whole foods, they are filled with nutrients, and they will keep you full, 2 things which protein powders will not do. There is no advantage to protein powder besides convenience
  • Herbalife4Life
    I drink a protein shake for breakfast daily and at least another as a snack, However, I am a nutrition coach and in my opinion, the type of protein I would recommend would be based on your goals. Whey & casein are both effective muscle gain proteins. However, I would not recommend them for weight loss (if that's your primary goal). I coach on the importance of all the nutrients: big & small for their benefits. But, I keep a focal point on protein for its muscle gain, sugar stabilizing, and feeling full effects.
  • Jeeto115
    Jeeto115 Posts: 48 Member
    I drink a protein shake for breakfast daily and at least another as a snack, However, I am a nutrition coach and in my opinion, the type of protein I would recommend would be based on your goals. Whey & casein are both effective muscle gain proteins. However, I would not recommend them for weight loss (if that's your primary goal). I coach on the importance of all the nutrients: big & small for their benefits. But, I keep a focal point on protein for its muscle gain, sugar stabilizing, and feeling full effects.

    What type of protein should a person trying to lose weight take if whey and casein are for muscle building?