seems so stressful



  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    You can add me as a friend too, if you like, I eat well but nothing is off-limits and I definitely treat myself :)

    I'm also a sassy smartass and reasonably good for advice ;)
  • stepyogameup
    I agree with what everyone else has said. Start small! Get out the door and commit to 10 minutes of an activity. If it sucks, at least you did something. If you enjoy it, do 30 minutes!

    If you crave something, drink water. If you still crave it, have a small portion. Don't deprive yourself or you'll go nuts! (personal experience)... You can eat tacos, make them at home with natural ingredients. You can eat ice cream--my tip is to go buy an expensive, full-fat, fancy pint of something and really enjoy the portion size!

    Don't be afraid of fat. Avoid margarine/canola oil, and avoid low-fat processed "foods" that are filled with sugar, as much as you can. If you don't eat many vegetables, add a serving a day! And learn to cook if you don't cook much. It's so much healthier, and you can quickly stir-fry some veggies in butter and some salt and pepper-so yummy.

    Basically, start small, drink more water, start eating some cleaner home-cooked meals, count calories, start exercising, control portions; and if you want something that you consider a "cheat" have it! work it into your day. And don't stress! It sounds like a lot, but you can do it. It's a lifestyle change. Hope that helped :)
  • stepyogameup
    Oh, and I lost 50 pounds a few years ago. Took me a little over a year but only because at first, I wasn't trying to lose weight.

    Right now I'm trying to lose 20 I gained back and then some more. It's hard, but you have to get into the right mindset. Look at it like I want to be healthy and happy, not like I have to diet and suffer! It sucks the first couple weeks but you will feel great. Keep it up. <3
  • NewDad24
    NewDad24 Posts: 45
    It sounds as if you are planning how much you are going to cheat. Cheating is what happens outside the plan. Planning for having a buffer of empty-calories on certain days before hitting your daily limit is perhaps a better thought.