Shoulder pain and rest

Last Friday night I woke up with some shoulder pain in my left shoulder. So much so that I literally had to use my right arm to help 'ease' my arm down (it was up, over my head as I slept) Saturday and Sunday I took rest days, doing absolutely nothing. I iced it on and off throughout the weekend and took ibuprofen, and that seemed to help. Monday I did my usual workout, there was a little pain later Monday, but not while I was working out, so I iced and took ibuprofen again. Today the pain is back and slightly worse. I plan on taking the next week or two off from any shoulder work (OHP, Bench, lat. pulldowns and assisted pullups) I plan on continuing some leg work for a couple days (squats, weighted lunges) and maybe a couple days of cardio (elliptical, but not using my arms) If the pain persists, of course I plan on going to my family doctor. My question is, would it be safe to do some sort of arm work? Like tricep pulldowns, or dumbbell curls? Or should I follow a complete arm rest?

*want to add that when I DO go back to shoulder work, I am going to deload quite a bit first and see how it feels from there.


  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'd say go to the doctor now. I get muscle soreness for maybe 2 days (maybe 3 if I hit legs hard) after working out. but it's been, what...5 days already? I wouldn't even think of doing any exercises at all, let alone anything with arms or upper body.
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,866 Member
    If you have torn tedons or ligaments in your shoulder it is not safe to do any sort of pulling or lifting. I have torn tendon in my shoulders and have been told if I tear them again it will mean an operation. Not saying you have the same thing but until you know what is causing the pain don't do anything with it.

    If it does' t feel better in a few days, see your doctor as you said you would. You may just have a stiff muscle in your shoulder but until you know, play safe.