People who eat 1700+ Calories.... muscle toning advice?

So I am at the point in my journey where I want to build up my muscle mass. I am mostly muscle as it is, but again with the 'weight loss' i lost muscle. I workout 5 days a week at curves, not that curves works... but it helps me get moving. I love to workout , don't get me wrong but curves is like the only option right now aside from my dumbbells and resistance ropes at home :p.

MFP has me set at 1720 calories at a non active lifestyle, it's a big number for me right now but i want to get there so I can nourish my body. But I know to gain muscle you need a surplus... At the moment I don't think I 'workout' enough to play around with higher calorie amounts I try to stay within the 1500-1800 range. Or at least, that's where i have been this past week.

I was just really wondering if people had advice at how to go about this? This post may be silly but I would love to know any tips on this. Like, people's personal stories from weight loss to bulking and to how many calories you eat to what you eat.

Thank you so much. :)