To the runners: What to eat before a run

msmichydo Posts: 55 Member
Hey guys,
I've been running since the end of March, and have found that if I have a huge meal (500-600 calories), then wait an hour, I have SO MUCH energy for my run.
When I eat something smaller (200-400 calories), I don't have as much energy. Duh...

I want to know what you guys eat before your run, and how long you wait to digest it before going out.
Also please give me your running distances, as the meals will vary depending on how far/long you run.



  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    I don't run but before i do any exercise I have a banana about 30min-a hour before
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    I run better on an empty stomach, then I do a protien high food afterwards - sorry!
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Some days I have coffee only.

    Some days I have a couple pieces of French toast.

    I run about 2 hours afterwards. Only 1 to 3 miles at a time

    I don't really notice any difference.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I eat a small meal or snack with plenty of carbs 20-30 minutes before. Banana is a great choice. Too much food and I feel nauseated. I like a mix of carbs and protein after.

    ETA: Forgot to add my distances. 5-10 miles typically.
  • toothpastechica
    toothpastechica Posts: 250 Member
    I try and run about a half hour after I get up. So when I get up I usually eat a piece of fruit, and either yogurt or cereal (or eggs or pancakes if its the weekend and hubby is home to make breakfast). I usually wait about 15 minutes after I eat to go running.
  • teresaforeman91
    teresaforeman91 Posts: 36 Member
    oh id love to know this also! one day i have so much energy and the next my runs a walk because i cant be stuffed and my bodys not fueled enough. looking forward to hearing some answers :)
  • djkronyx
    djkronyx Posts: 77 Member
    3-4 miles: 3-4 ricecakes 15min prior
    4-8 miles: large sweet potato 1 hour prior (works wonders)
    >8 miles: rice the night before, granola bar 15 minutes prior
  • igypsy
    igypsy Posts: 64 Member
    My best runs are usually very early in the morning after a cup of coffee and a banana. I can go straight out and don't usually have any problems. But if I had eaten any more than that I'd probably wait about 2 hours.

    Yesterday I went for a run at about 5pm after having a small lunch & coffee at about 1 pm and I really struggled! Just didn't have any oomf! Definitely needed a banana boost!

    Not sure about the distance (off road) but my favourite route takes about an hour.
  • msmichydo
    msmichydo Posts: 55 Member
    interesting answers so far!
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I don't like to eat more than half a bagel with almond butter within three hours of a run or other cardio. It bounces in my stomach and can make me feel nauseous. I usually load up after I get back.
  • aliceclutz90
    aliceclutz90 Posts: 151 Member
    Banana and coffee works for me as well! Not that I am a "runner" but I have a 10k coming up , followed by a 6k obstacle course/cross country run so I've been practising
  • Mjhnbgff
    Mjhnbgff Posts: 112
    I have to eat either a small snack 1 hour before or a meal 3-4 hours before my runs. I used to run on an empty stomach until my trainer told me I needed to fuel up or I'll start losing muscle and I noticed it was so much better running with some gas in my tank so now I never ever run on an empty stomach. My trainer said that my body will not burn fat to fuel my run if my glycogen stores are depleted because it needs energy right away and burning fat takes too long. The next easiest source of energy is muscle tissue so I might still lose weight but my body composition won't change. I'm sure I'm not explaining it properly but I understood that I have to fuel my workouts if I want to lose fat while building muscle.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I don't eat before I run. If I do then I'm going to need the toilet in a hurry part of the way through. 10km (6 miles) is hard to stop anything happening suddenly otherwise. I refuse to eat till I have run & if that means I don't eat anything till later in the day then so be it. If I run early in the day then I wont even drink anything before that. Later in the day then I've had a little water, nothing more. Anything in my stomach during a run is bad news for me..... and I lost more weight by listening to MY body.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I prefer to run on an empty stomach. Typically lunch is the last thing I've eaten and I run after work. When I run in the mornings I just wake up and go.
  • Cruxthemystic
    Cruxthemystic Posts: 149 Member
    On long run days 3-4 miles I have eggo low fat waffles with peanut butter about 1-1.5 hrs. before. I've tried different things ie; protein shake, cereal, fruit, just coffee but this seems to work the best for me. I'm working up to do a 10k, I haven't been running all that long.
  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    I run way better on an empty stomach. If I eat before I run I can only get ~5 miles before I am out of gas. If I don't eat I can go much farther. In fact, on this past Saturday, I ran 8 miles in 80 minutes (a new record for me) on an empty stomach.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I run at lunch time so I normally eat about 1 hour before hand I have 2 servings of Steel Cut oats and 1 serving of Fage 2percent plain yogurt. On the weekends if I run, I will run in the AM but I will not eat anything. Have a coffee or two and some water. Oh yea my lunch runs are between 4-6 weekend runs 8-12.
  • flyingwrite
    flyingwrite Posts: 264
    I find that graham crackers work really well for me if I'm going to run more than 3 miles. Less than 3 and it's an empty stomach. I get supa dupa sick no matter how long I've let the food digest. Can't even do a banana. Something about the graham crackers settles my stomach and gives me that extra boost of energy I need.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I run in the early am, best on an empty stomach or a protein shake. If I eat a large meal-it slows me down
    my daily distance varies-I am in training for my second half marathon.
  • tropical4321
    I run first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Great for fat burning but if I do a longer run over 8 miles, I do have a banana about 15 mins before for an energy boost.