Pumped breast milk

I am trying to find out how to add my pumped breast milk into my daily diary? Is there a way to have this app deduct the calories for every ounce pumped?


  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    Are you consuming it and want to log the calories taken in or are you looking for the calorie burn from producing it?
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,396 Member
    I don't think so. Maybe you can google the normal calorie burn and just add however much you need to?
  • hmisselbrook
    hmisselbrook Posts: 2 Member
    I am looking for the calorie burn so I can subtract it from my daily calorie intake
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    From the Help section (at top right of every page): https://myfitnesspal.desk.com/customer/portal/articles/11477-if-i-am-breastfeeding-or-nursing-how-do-i-adjust-my-goals-
    Since breastfeeding varies for each woman, we don't currently offer a specific recommendation for adjusting your calories. However, if you obtain a calorie estimate from your doctor or nutritionist, you can easily change your calorie goal to account for the difference.

    ​As an alternative, you may log "breastfeeding" as an exercise. Once you have a calorie estimate, you can add "breastfeeding" as a custom cardiovascular exercise to your exercise database.

    You could also try searching the forums for "breastfeeding" to see what other women have tried. ("Nursing" probably won't get you what you're looking for.)
  • sheermomentum
    sheermomentum Posts: 827 Member
    You don't burn calories pumping breast milk. You burn them PRODUCING milk inside your body over the course of the day. A lactating woman needs about 500 calories per day more than a similar non-lactating woman, and should generally not consume less that 1800 calories per day MINIMUM if she wants to stay healthy and feed her baby well.