Advice on Strategy

Hi All - Facts below. I am looking for feedback on whether my overall CICO is setting me up for success (i.e. body not getting proper nutrition, slowing down metabolism, etc.). I am working on a lifestyle change - not a quick fix - so I have set up a schedule/macros/etc that fits my (and my family’s) life and is doable long term.

Stats - 5'6", SW: 211, CW: 205.6, GW: 145
BMR (tested at hospital) - 1635
TDEE (desk job) - 1718
Goals – to build muscle and reduce fat – which you typically cannot do at the same time unless you are “overfat” (like me)

I am doing the 5:2 fast diet, fasting Tuesday/Thursday (usually) at 500 cals. I am also a vegetarian (no animal meat, including fish) and am not willing to change that. I used to drink alcohol almost 7 days a week and now only drink 2-3 days per week – which is a great thing.

Cals In Breakdown for the week – diary is open, I weigh everything that I can on a food scale:
Monday – 1600
Tuesday – 500
Wednesday – 1600
Thursday – 500
Friday – 2000
Saturday – 2000
Sunday – 1800
Total – 10,000 (I know this is below my BMR, bu the difference between the BMR and TDEE is so small?)

Cals Out – Exercise:
- Standing and walking treadmill desk at work - >10k steps per day (average 15k/day with excerise)
- Run 2-3x / week for 45-60 min
- Lift Weights – 3x / week for 30 min (moving fast, lift heavy – Day 1: chest/biceps/triceps; Day 2: deadlift/shoulders/back/abs; Day 3: squats & lower body)
- HIIT – 2x per week for 25 min (turbofire)
I do not eat back exercise cals (although on a special occasions they are a cushion) and typically earn 3500-3800 per week (this is from my fitbit linked to MFP, I do not log anything additional or weight lifting).

I have a husband, 4 year old twins, and work at a fairly stressful job – that said, I want to be fit and any advice would be helpful. I have struggled with eating just with macros (although I really make sure I get enough protein and fewer white pasta/bread carbs) since I want to eat with my family.

Hit me with advice. What else, if anything, should I do differently?
Thanks much,


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Stats - 5'6", SW: 211, CW: 205.6, GW: 145
    BMR (tested at hospital) - 1635
    TDEE (desk job) - 1718

    I do not eat back exercise cals (although on a special occasions they are a cushion) and typically earn 3500-3800 per week (this is from my fitbit linked to MFP, I do not log anything additional or weight lifting).

    Where did you get your TDEE? Your Fitbit burn is TDEE, and calorie adjustments are the difference between your Fitbit burn and your MFP activity level. If you follow these instructions, your goal will be TDEE minus deficit.

    Then you need to learn to log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly. Logging is simple, but it ain't easy. Logging works.

    Connect your accounts at

    Set your goal to .5 lb. for every 25 lbs. you're overweight:

    Enable negative calorie adjustments:

    In the MFP app, go to More > Steps and choose Fitbit.

    Ignore your Fitbit calorie goal and follow MFP's, eating back your adjustments. No need to log any step-based activity—your Fitbit is tracking it for you. Log non-step exercise (like swimming or biking) either in Fitbit or in MFP—never both. Exercise logged in MFP overwrites your Fitbit burn during that time.

    You can learn more in the Fitbit Users group: