After the first date, who should call?

msmichydo Posts: 55 Member
I want to know your guys' opinions on this. Who should call after a first date, the guy or girl?

I just had a date on Monday night but he hasn't texted in two days. I haven't initiated any contact either (I understand men like to pursue).
I don't want to waste my time on someone who is not interested in me, but he did seem interested during our date. I believe I gave a good indication that I was interested in him, so I'd love to hear a second opinion on this. I think after five days of nothing, I'm thinking "Yep, move on", you know?
What are your guys' thoughts?


  • Maribel_1986
    Maribel_1986 Posts: 457 Member
    I would call/text him.... BUT if you haven't heard from him by now he may just not be interested. When most guys are interested they are not going to wait a few days. Usually they text/call asking when you are free again, etc. Or at least ask how you are doing...