Gluten free!



  • smileymaxine
    smileymaxine Posts: 275 Member
    Why oh god why!?
    If you do not need to go gluten free for varies medical reasons it is not that good for you.
    Yes different flours might be better and healthier and you might eat cleaner as you are still learning but really it is not a fad diet. Not eating gluten containing products might mean you missing out on fiber and other needed vits !!!

    Though you may be sensitive to it or intolerant I've read a few posts on here about it clearing up systems, I now don't have sleep issues, headaches, stomach issues etc but please don't cut out full groups of food just because it seems healthy.
  • marybeth062
    marybeth062 Posts: 24 Member
    I went gluten free and mostly grain free three years ago on the advise of my natural health practitioner. I was having digestive problems and some blood test concerns which he suspected was leaky gut. I feel great now, with less bloating, digestive problems and more energy. On the few occasions that I have tried to eat gluten since then my digestion has gone completely haywire for several days. I no longer look for gluten free substitutes for foods, since they are usually filled with empty calories. There are lots of real, whole foods to fill my diet with.