Old clothes...

Do you ladies and gents throw out/donate your "fat" clothes once you go down a size?
My size has gone up and down so many times I always keep my clothes "just in case". I'm determined this time not to gain again, but wonder if I'm being hasty throwing out my larger clothes.


  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    I got rid of virtually all of mine. I found I didn't like some of them, some I was able to pass on to a friend, others were already getting worn and shabby. A few things I really liked I continue to wear, but they are not as comfortable and I know they don't flatter me.

    I am not on a diet; I made a lifestyle change. I know what caused my weight gain, and how to prevent it, so I am not worried about gaining again.
  • ColinsMommaOC
    ColinsMommaOC Posts: 296 Member
    I plan on getting rid of mine when they do not fit anymore. This way I can use it as motivation to keep the weight off. No money for new clothes means I cannot gain weight cause I wont have anything to wear :)
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I'm sort of in the middle. I had lost weight before and regained and at that time I had given away a bunch of suits so when I found myself in that size again I wished I had them but at the same time not having them forced me to get my crap together because I refused to invest in more. I'm not lacking in storage so I have donated some stuff and other stuff I have moved into a downstairs closet and once I get a chance to clean that out I will probably donate again. For a while I had the size tabs in my closet to separate into categories, Now, Almost and Too Big.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Absolutely. I don't have the closet space for fifteen different wardrobes, but even if I did, out they'd go. I'm not going to be wearing them again and someone else can use it. Plus, selling some gives me a little money back.

    If it's something that sells well on eBay, I sell it. If there's a snag, stain or it's from Wal-Mart or something, I donate it.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Syleyna wrote: »
    Do you ladies and gents throw out/donate your "fat" clothes once you go down a size?
    My size has gone up and down so many times I always keep my clothes "just in case". I'm determined this time not to gain again, but wonder if I'm being hasty throwing out my larger clothes.

    I would think there's a point where you'd want to throw out clothes. Keeping clothes a size or two in range is fine but I think you should consider getting rid of clothes that are a size you never want to see yourself wearing again.

    As someone who has never been "technically" overweight I can tell you that my clothes starting to get tight is usually my notification that it's time to reverse trend. If I had pants that are a size larger, I'd likely just pull them out of a drawer and go on with my life. If (when) I reach the point where I have no clothes in a larger size I'm going to have to make a choice: buy new, larger clothes or lose a few pounds so I fit into my clothes again. I have almost always made the choice to drop a few pounds until my clothes fit again.
  • stac928
    stac928 Posts: 10 Member
    I having been getting rid of anything that is more than one size too big. My plan is that once I figure out when I'm done losing I'll have that size and maybe a few things a size bigger but I have no need for things that are 3, 4, 5 sizes too big. Good reason to maintain, I wont be able to afford new bigger clothes :)
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,396 Member
    I'm the opposite. I lost my weight (only about 15 lbs) so I could fit back in to my old clothes. Then when I got there, I realized all of it was terribly outdated, lmao. I donated almost all of it. My "fat clothes" are mostly just my maternity clothes....which I wear on my bloated days...
  • Kimegatron
    Kimegatron Posts: 772 Member
    I always kept mine... It's like when I kept my skinny clothes (some over a decade old, yessss I still love them). I never know what will happen with my weight, and I HATE spending money. I will, however, throw out any of my fat pants. The only reason is because I haven't worn jeans in almost 4 years. Once I started getting bigger, shopping for fat pants gave me such high anxiety and anger issues(angry at myself), that I have worn yoga pants and legging caprees for the last 4 years heh heh.