

  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    I had a look at your diary and well your logging is both inconsistent and well you are either over or under.

    The program only works if you work it, I will reiterate check out the links I have provided adjust your macros/cals accordingly and you will see the results you want. As for tracking cals burnt accurately I would suggest a HRM if you are doing mostly Cardio.

    As for tracking cal intake I will once again suggest scales, not measuring cups,spoons etc as these are not accurate and you can easily go over.



    It does not matter if you are watching everything you put in your mouth if you fail to log it, how do you expect to track your progress accurately.

    Good luck
  • keelygracey
    Where's the breakfast in your diary? Tea ? .. breakfast is the most important meal of the day - also try spacing your meals out into more regular smaller meals and eat a good breakfast!! It's called break-fast for a reason - You haven't put anything into your body all night, your body needs fuel for the day!

  • daisyboo84
    daisyboo84 Posts: 37
    Activity Level Daily Calories
    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 1607
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 1841
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2075
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) 2310
    Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.) 2544

    this is what the website told me, I would say I am sedentary as I work at a desk all day...does this mean that I eat 1607, or that I eat that minus some? MFP takes this number and takes away 500cals...???
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    eat more with all that activity, your body is storing fat...because you don't eat enough. thats all.
  • jakkisr
    jakkisr Posts: 175 Member
    How tall are you? 1252 calories works well for me at 5'3 (starting weight 137lbs, goal weight 126lb) on days I'm not working out.. I upped it to 1450 and have plateau'd so don't believe all you get told about 1200 not being enough!

    Your food diary looks great. Try having one big day a week as that seems to kick start weight loss (it does for me anyway). When you're eating at 1200 and working out you really do need to eat back the calories you earn from exercise, or at least half of them if you want to keep some deficit. I find more protein suits me better, I don't worry too much about the macros as long as I have a healthy balanced diet.
  • daisyboo84
    daisyboo84 Posts: 37
    I'm 5'6"...i'm eating less cals because when I was eating more I was putting on weight (rapidly!!)

    I have one or two treats on a sunday usually, makes life a little less depressing!!
  • daisyboo84
    daisyboo84 Posts: 37
    I had a look at your diary and well your logging is both inconsistent and well you are either over or under.

    The program only works if you work it, I will reiterate check out the links I have provided adjust your macros/cals accordingly and you will see the results you want. As for tracking cals burnt accurately I would suggest a HRM if you are doing mostly Cardio.

    As for tracking cal intake I will once again suggest scales, not measuring cups,spoons etc as these are not accurate and you can easily go over.



    It does not matter if you are watching everything you put in your mouth if you fail to log it, how do you expect to track your progress accurately.

    Good luck

    Thank you, I will check out the links now. I missed this weekend because I went away and wasn't able to log on, but aside from that, my logging is not inconsistent. Am I supposed to hit exactly 1200 every day? Surely that's not possible to be exactly correct!?
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Try this link as it takes more into account than the mfp calculator.


    If you do not have a HRM try eating 1/2 to 2/3 of your exercise cals back
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    i glanced at a few days of your diary - it looks like you are going over on fat and sugar and under on proteins. since you say you aren't losing, maybe you should try eating a bit differently for a week or so (more protein less fat/sugar) and see if that makes a difference.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    I would try the link to below as it is quite a good calculator and takes more into account than the MFP one

    I hesitate to do your numbers for you as I consider myself to be quite new at this and there are other more knowledgeable individuals on here with a solid understanding of how this works. I would try posting on the "Eat, Train, Progress." Group as the people who respond are encouraged to have a solid understanding before giving out advice.

    I would also be weary of taking advice from new members as almost everyone has losses at first due to calorie restriction and implementing exercise but the advice you get from them is from people with very little experience at keeping it off or the negative results of being at a too high calorie deficit.

    1200 cals is the absolute minium and not enough for someone who is 5'6, it is your BMR if you were in a coma and I doubt that is the case.

    Maybe try eating back 1/2 to 2/3 or your exercise cals if you do not have a HRM.
  • sherrisluzinit4good
    sherrisluzinit4good Posts: 50 Member
    yesterday was the first time i've gone over my calories so far. This week I've been rock climbing, done ballet, walked, done boot camp fitness, tonight Zumba, I'm generally sticking to 1200 cals per day, only going over yesterday!

    1200 cals a day? Jesus if your Hungry increase the content , 1200 is a bit on the low in all honesty :/
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Eat more protein

    Drink more water
  • daisyboo84
    daisyboo84 Posts: 37
    "i glanced at a few days of your diary - it looks like you are going over on fat and sugar and under on proteins. since you say you aren't losing, maybe you should try eating a bit differently for a week or so (more protein less fat/sugar) and see if that makes a difference."

    yes I am, HOWEVER as I said, I am going over on supposedly "good" fats, ie olive oil and avocado etc, unsaturated fats. And my sugar is mainly from fruit (apart from the chocolate yesterday!)

    This is my confusion, if it is only calls in/cals out then why should it matter what you're putting in (I don't agree with that statement btw!)

    More water defo..got a 2l bottle on the desk which I am slugging away at! will make sure I do!

    i'm not hungry, yesterday I had more than usual for lunch and I couldn't eat my dinner until 8pm!!

    thank you Ophidion, I'm going to look at this properly tonight when I get home...Also, I really want to look into a HMR just need to decide which is best for me!
  • daisyboo84
    daisyboo84 Posts: 37
    Try this link as it takes more into account than the mfp calculator.


    If you do not have a HRM try eating 1/2 to 2/3 of your exercise cals back

    Your estimated Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is
    1388 kcal/day.
    A rough estimate of the number of calories required per day based on your current activity level is: 1908 kcal/day.
    If you consume 1908 kcal/day you would simply maintain your current weight assuming that you consistently maintained the same activity level. If you completely eliminate any exercise (sedentary), you could consume 1666 kcal/day without gaining weight.
  • daisyboo84
    daisyboo84 Posts: 37
    what i don't understand is, from the numbers above, MFP then takes AWAY 500 cals...so surely you're onto a loser? Do i understand that right? they take away 500cals from your BMR??

    I just had a play with my "goals" and to up it slightly says that in five weeks i'll lose 1 kg!? that's not right! as it is my projected weight loss is very slow...
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    yesterday was the first time i've gone over my calories so far. This week I've been rock climbing, done ballet, walked, done boot camp fitness, tonight Zumba, I'm generally sticking to 1200 cals per day, only going over yesterday!

    Have you just started hitting these workouts hard in the last few weeks?
    Are you sore at all?
    You don't have a lot of weight to lose, and if you are retaining water in your muscles, that might be hiding several pounds of loss.
    If you don't have much to lose, truly, a half pound a week is a good and reasonable rate, so it may just be that you need to be consistent and patient. It won't do you any good to lose lean body mass quickly just to see the number on the scale move...
  • daisyboo84
    daisyboo84 Posts: 37
    bootcamp i've been doing for six weeks, ballet for 10 weeks, rumba sporadically for the last year. My stomach muscles have been sore all week, otherwise, no i'm not that sore. I do push myself in class though (but as it's summer here, if I get too hot I get a thumping headache which lasts for days) however, I do work harder than most people, the teachers always commend me for it at the end of class.

    Ok, I will keep on with the water with a vengeance!!

    You are right, I just don't want to be doing my body any harm either!
  • kathymhardy
    kathymhardy Posts: 266 Member
    yesterday was the first time i've gone over my calories so far. This week I've been rock climbing, done ballet, walked, done boot camp fitness, tonight Zumba, I'm generally sticking to 1200 cals per day, only going over yesterday!

    1200 cals a day? Jesus if your Hungry increase the content , 1200 is a bit on the low in all honesty :/

    Yes, 1200 caloriess is not enough with all that exercise! Problem solved :smile:
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    It's actually funny read, people who lost over 30-40 lbs telling you to eat more and people who lost nothing telling you it's ok LOL
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    It really is as simple as calories in-calories out. Don't worry about sugar, fat, protein, sodium or any of that to begin with......that will come as you learn more. To start, it's calories. Period. You must log consistently and VERY accurately, that's intake and exercise. If I were you I would start out with my calories set at 1500, that is -400 per day, or a possible loss of just less than a pound per week. Be honest with your logging and if you don't see improvement in A MONTH, it's time to try something else. Lastly, be patient, weight loss isn't linear, you may not lose a pound this week or next and then drop two in a couple of days. That's just how it works. Good luck.

    ETA, that is 1500 net calories. Eat back your exercise calories that you estimated and logged as accurately as possible