Tempted to weigh in every day



  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I weigh twice a day, morning and night. At first I freaked out a little but now I'm getting used to seeing the fluctuations. I only log it once or twice a week though, when I'm certain it's a real loss that I've kept off and not just my body retaining and losing fluids.
  • elvensnow
    elvensnow Posts: 154 Member
    The correct answer is: weigh yourself as often as you want as long as you don't start stressing about it.

    I weigh every day (always same time in the morning) because I like to see how my body fluctuates based on my eating/exercise habits. I don't tend to be the kind to stress even if I "gain" 2 lbs over night. I usually only record my weight once a week though (same day), but I might start keeping a spreadsheet of my dailies and doing some averages.

    But anyway, do whatever you want if it helps you lose :)
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    don't do it - it will discourage you if you do.. pick a day that you can weigh in on consistently once a week. i usually weigh in friday or saturday morning after having a rest day the day before.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    OK, I'm a newbie, so I'm all keen and motivated right now
    But seriously I want to weigh myself and see if I lost anything yesterday. YESTERDAY. That's ridiculous, right? :embarassed:
    Somebody tell me, with a tone of authority, how often I should weigh in. Then I can stop having an argument with myself.
    Please and thank you.

    If you're like most people, you probably don't understand natural body weight fluctuations and you'll probably freak out. If you understand that weight loss is not linear and you understand natural body weight fluctuations (up and down...yes, I said UP) then you should be fine. I fall into the latter category and i like the data points for my nerdy graphs and what not...but I understand for example, that is impossible to gain 3 Lbs of actual fat in a day...so when I see a 3 Lb increase overnight, I don't **** my pants or anything.
  • lowpro1983
    lowpro1983 Posts: 305 Member
    Depends on how you handle the scale. I have friends that make themselves go weeks without weighing....but I weigh almost every morning. I feel like it helps keep me on track.....but I also know that if it's not what I am hoping to see, not to get upset.

    Weight fluctuates .... so if you can get on the scale, see a number that you might not like ...and still be motivated to keep going, by all means, weigh as much as you'd like.

    If you get discouraged by the scale, just throw it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • kirstyfairhead
    kirstyfairhead Posts: 220 Member
    I weigh every day and have a much better understanding of my body than ever before. It is not unusual for me to be able to predict whether the scale is going up or down today just from how I feel even if it's only a half pound difference. This means that when it goes up I don't panic and when it drops I don't celebrate all at once, as variations are totally normal.

    I will only record a 'low' weight once I've hit it a couple of times in quick succession and am relatively confident that it's a genuine loss.

    My TOM is always a 'fat' week and two weeks later I tend to get a bit of a spike too.

    I'm a firm believer that information is power and weighing in just once a week can be very disheartening if you happen to pick a 'fat' day, especially if you pick another 'fat' day the week after!!! Eventually you would see a nice big drop but who needs depressing figures for a whole two weeks!!

    However, I am very analytical and I love the number-crunching so this might not work for everyone.

    Good luck whatever you decide.
  • jasonheyd
    jasonheyd Posts: 524 Member
    I use https://trendweight.com/ and weigh myself daily.

    As long as you don't freak out about swinging a few pounds in either direction & focus on week to week trends, there's no real reason to avoid daily measurements.
  • reneewill
    reneewill Posts: 62 Member
    I weigh myself on Monday and Friday mornings. Mondays to prep me for the new week and Fridays so I get geared up for the weekend. I totally have fluctuated but work harder when Im up. The important thing is, Im moving in the right direction. I guess, how you feel after you weigh is an important consideration. If you are going to get down on yourself and give up if you gain then don't weight, because there will be fluctuations. But if you can look at a gain as either being a part of the process or even as a motivator, go ahead. I guess only you can answer that question.
  • Amerielle
    Amerielle Posts: 153 Member
    Like others have said, only you know how often is best for you. I personally weigh every day and log it on my graph at beeminder. I can fluctuate up and down quite a few pounds so I find weekly weigh ins annoying. With weekly I could weigh in on a light day one week and a heavy day the next week. I like having a nice steady downward trend on a graph.
  • charlesfriday1
    charlesfriday1 Posts: 14 Member
    I obsessively weigh myself every time I go into the bathroom. I've gotten a pretty good picture of how my weight fluctuates during the day and I can actually now predict pretty accurately what I will weigh at any given moment based on what I last weighed and how I feel. I will be at my heaviest at the end of the day no matter what I did during the day and I will lose two to three pounds every night while I sleep.

    For me, the numbers are pretty consistent throughout the week without much fluctuation and then on Thursday through Sunday, I'll hit new lows and lose weight.
  • peopletalk
    peopletalk Posts: 519 Member
    i weigh everyday.
    not because i'm obsessive but because i like to see what kind of foods affect the scale the next morning.

    if you get discouraged with every .5 lb gained, then don't weigh every day. but for me, i find it helpful.
    also, if i'm up a lb on the scale, it gives me more initiative for the day.