Increasing Carbs

Hello All,

I am new to this site...and well basically calorie counting ! I am on a quest to lose 20kgs (first goal) and then to lose another 15kgs (second goal). I am 1.67m and my starting weight 10 days ago was 91kg and am currently on 88kg. I am following a restriction of 1,200 cal per day and I am gyming 3 times a week.

My problem however is that I am usually about 200 cal short and need suggestions for an inclusion of 200 cal carbs I can use. I am usually slightly over in my protein and sugar so can't use anything that might push that even further.

I would sincerely appreciate any suggestions.

My current meal plan looks something like this:

Breakfast Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar
Home Prepared - Tomato Vegetable Soup, 1 cup 80 11 3 1 0 0
Fruit - Apple -, 1 apple (medium) 80 22 0 0 0 16
Total 160 33 3 1 0 16
Home Prepared - Tomato Vegetable Soup, 1 cup 80 11 3 1 0 0
Albany - Low Gi Seeded Brown Bread, 1 slice 102 16 2 4 217 1
Kraft - Peanut Butter Smooth , 1 Tbsp (15g) 90 4 8 3 70 1
Total 272 31 13 8 287 2
Eggs -2 Egg White, 1 Whole Egg Omelette - Omelette- 2 Egg White, 1 Whole Egg, 1 omelette
124 0 7 14 94 0
Shreded - Chedar Cheese, 0.5 cup 228 1 19 14 351 0
Woolies - Low Gi Brown Seed Bread, 1 slices 105 15 2 4 184 2
Mushroom, - Cooked Button Mushrooms, 2 OUNCE 16 2 0 2 2 2
Total 473 18 28 34 631 4
Sugar - Sugar for Coffee (or Option for 0.5 Tsp Paper Packet), 1 teaspoon 15 4 0 0 0 4
Coffee - Instant, regular, 1 fl oz 1 0 0 0 1 0
Milk - Reduced fat, 2% milkfat, 1 cup 122 11 5 8 100 12
Total 138 15 5 8 101 16

Totals Cal1,043 Carbs 97 Protein 49 Fat 51 Sodium 1,019 Sugar 38
Your Daily Goal 1,200 165 40 45 2,500 24
Remaining 157 68 -9 -6 1,481 -14


  • stagingfirstplace
    stagingfirstplace Posts: 49 Member
    you look like you may need more protein mostly and a little more carbs, fat is fine. good luck !
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    Proteins are too low. Proteins and fats make you Fuller longer compared to Carbs.


    80g Carbs (320 cals)
    110g proteins (440 cals)
    50g Fats (450 cals)

    1210 calories
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    ^ Agree with them, and you need more calories in general.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    91kg male. I'd start at closer to 2000cals.

    150P/80F rest carbs. Don't worry about the sugar unless you are diabetic.