how to carry personal protection when running?



  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    The cans are pretty darn big!


    Wow, that's the size of a home defense spray! However, I'd rather run with that then be defenseless against a bear. As someone else has already said, one learns to adapt their running styles to account for items they need to have with them. Be that a water bottle or a big o can of bear whip *kitten*.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Most of my running shorts, not gym shorts, specific running shorts, all have small pockets the secure either through Velcro, zipper, or flap. Pepper spray fits perfectly in each one.
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    I use a pack to run with. It conveniently hugs yours waist/hips and I bring my cell phone, cash, and mace! No bears I must contend with, just the occasional wild dog or coyote!
  • ced1389
    ced1389 Posts: 96 Member
    Spibelt. Invest in one. I usually put a gu, my phone, a house key, and sometimes pepper spray (depending on the areas I'm running in...... I live in a high crime rate big city)

    they're like 20 bucks on amazon, can't even feel it when you run with it on.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Have you considered running with bells on? I would drive me crazy as well but I know when we ride horse here we put bells on them so that the wildlife know we are around. You could wear a ring of them around your ankle if you could stand the noise. They generally retreat into the woods when they here people coming. I would definitely carry bear spray as well though if you have been bit before. What area so you live in?

    In addition to bear spray google "bear bells" - you can buy small ones that you can attach to your shoelaces giving bears and other predators advance notice that you're coming (most usually avoid humans as we're the most dangerous predator on the planet). You can also buy an item called a bear banger (ok everyone, get your minds out of the gutter.....) which will make a sound similar to a gunshot, usually adequate to scare off a curious bear.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Depending upon how the laws of where you live, you might be able to open carry a pistol in an ankle holster or some cops use something called thunderwear which is specially designed underwear for concealed carry. Again, please be certain you follow the laws of your state because you don't want to get jammed up by being charged with a crime.

    I wanted to reiterate this, we're in a society that frowns on self help, so make sure you don't do anything to get jammed up, especially in some of the more control focused states like CA, MA, NYC.

    I sometimes carry a gun because in Boston I was shown that it was needed for safety. (I no longer live there, thank god.) Well, out for a run just a hair outside of Boston in a rather busy area called Davis Square, I got hemmed into and knocked into a service hallway for a closed business by a couple huge guys. One had a brick, the other had a grin. They were going to have a little fun, so not wanting to feel left out. I looked at them both, smiled and said, "I'm in fear of my life, please don't kill me, I'm afraid." They were a bit confused until they saw I had pulled an LC380. They realized that there was a beer at the Burren with their names on it, and quickly made their retreat.

    All that's hunky dory, but useless against a black bear, and laughable against a brown. Well, not useless in either case, you can use that round on yourself. The types of pistols that will carry a useful round against a bear are going to be extremely heavy, bulky, and low in capacity. My personal choice would be a glock 20. The types of pistols that can be concealed that will carry a useful round against a human will be more manageable.

    Another poster mentioned that there were problems with attacks on women. For that, I'd suggest an LC9. A remora holster which is a pocket carry holster is a good idea, you can modify an amphipod belt with a little sewing, or you can look at belly bands. I also saw a decently intelligent thread on runnersworld that hadn't devolved to "OMG GUNS R BAD HERPA DERP", and was going over potential reasons or methods to carry. I would strongly suggest a lot of range time with a holster like that so you can get comfortable using it.

    If your *only* concern is a bear, and you feel fully secure in your ability to protect yourself from a two legged attacker, then bear spray would be your most effective and comfortable choice. Keep in mind, those are huge canisters, heavy, and will take some getting used to.

    Keep running.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Run with a slower friend or group and make lots of noise.

    Bears/Wolves/Coyotes typically avoid human contact. By making lots of noise you should scare them away.

    If you run into the exception, you should be able to outrun your friends. :wink:
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Run with a slower friend or group and make lots of noise.

    Bears/Wolves/Coyotes typically avoid human contact. By making lots of noise you should scare them away.

    If you run into the exception, you should be able to outrun your friends. :wink:
    building on that, an old joke is that a pocket .22 is the single best protection against bears you can find. When you and a friend are out in the bush, and a bear charges. You shoot your friend in the knee.

  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    Run with a slow friend !
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    There's a company that makes tactical shirts that you can use to keep a gun, pepper spray, what have you. I want to say it's called 5.11 or something like that, can probably google it. They fit really tight, but you don't know the weapon is in there, can't feel it even when running. Wear that with a button down over it and you're good to go
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    You're going to need a rifle, or a .44 magnum, or whatever is recommended for bear protection in your area. People can't outrun bears. Bears behave very differently in different places depending on the interactions with humans that they are accustomed to. I've encountered bears that run away from humans, and bears that stick around, but never bears that have actually been attacking people. If you are up against aggressive bears, you need to look into what truly constitutes adequate protection.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Eeeeeek that's pretty scary stuff. The only thing I have to dodge is merry drunk Yorkshire men and the occasional angry duck!

    Yup, I only have to worry about hissing Geese along the canals!

    ditto I usually run past the pub in the evening. i take my teenage son with me for protection.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    What about one of the Zumba belts that made to hold the Wii remote?

    Or the arm bands that are made to carry tyour MP3 player/iPhone/etc?
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    You can get a little can of pepper spray (same thing as bear spray) on a lanyard and tuck it into your sports bra. The dog should give you some piece of mind too. Once your dog starts barking, I'd think a bear would be inclined to head in the other direction. Most bears are very docile, and avoid people, but their behavior can be idiosyncratic and unpredictable. Is there any pattern to these bear attacks? What were the people doing when they were attacked?
  • Lovdiamnd
    Lovdiamnd Posts: 624 Member
    Eeeeeek that's pretty scary stuff. The only thing I have to dodge is merry drunk Yorkshire men and the occasional angry duck!

    this made me giggle
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    There's a company that makes tactical shirts that you can use to keep a gun, pepper spray, what have you. I want to say it's called 5.11 or something like that, can probably google it. They fit really tight, but you don't know the weapon is in there, can't feel it even when running. Wear that with a button down over it and you're good to go

    Yes, 5.11 makes undershirts that you can conceal and carry with. The female version sucks. I have one and would NEVER run with it. I'd return both (I bought it in white and black) if I could. They might work better for larger individuals. My hubby seemed pretty happy with his. BUT he complains that the "holster" area stretches out with time. And by time, I mean just a couple of uses if you have a slightly heaver weapon. Now he LOVES their regular tactical shirts. Just my two cents.
  • Lovdiamnd
    Lovdiamnd Posts: 624 Member


  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    You can get a little can of pepper spray (same thing as bear spray) on a lanyard and tuck it into your sports bra. The dog should give you some piece of mind too. Once your dog starts barking, I'd think a bear would be inclined to head in the other direction. Most bears are very docile, and avoid people, but their behavior can be idiosyncratic and unpredictable. Is there any pattern to these bear attacks? What were the people doing when they were attacked?

    As stated earlier in the thread, pepper spray and bear spray are generally very different concentrations, bear spray may work on a person (seems reasonable to me.) but I don't see pepper spray for people working on a bear. At least not in the amount of time that you need it to.
  • ea101367
    ea101367 Posts: 175 Member
    Make noise while running, BEAR spray in hand so you do not need to fumble trying to get it out of a fanny pack or arm strap and I hope you are not running with earbuds and music cranked.