Food Network

mapnerd2005 Posts: 363
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I just want to thank Food Network for reinforcing and encouraging my new lifestyle choices. I was watching Good Eats (I like Alton, he makes trips to the water treatment plant interesting) and didn't change the chanel when it was over. The next show on was Unwrapped. I was watching them make Monster Goo, and I will never ever EVER buy that stuff for the boys. When they don't mention the name of the sweetner (while pouring in buckets of liquid...obviously not sugar) and throw in a few "secret ingredients" (more like Mark Summers can't pronounce them), it's a little scary. The result is a artificially colored syrup of GOO (the name says it all!) that is an amalgam of chemicals and ingredients I do not want to put into my body. Scratch it, the results are VERY scary. They even called the factory a chemist lab! I know it as to be funny, but it was probably more truthful than the word kitchen would be.


  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    I love Alton, too! I love his demonstrations of all the molecular concepts behind food--you can explain everything using foam blocks and plastic sticks. And I love the yeasties. :)
  • ACarp24
    ACarp24 Posts: 90
    Funny you should talk about Alton Brown, I am a major foodie and i love him! I met him a few months ago in pennsylvania, and he was super nice. I told him that he was one of my inspirations for actually sticking to a diet and he congratulated me and was very sincere. Another show I used to watch a lot was healthy appetite with Ellie Krieger and I think it's a shame that they no longer show it anymore because I liked her ideas and it was nice to watch a show and get excited to try one of her healthy recipes.
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    I love the food network channel and can watch it all day! Alton brown is one of my favorites--love how he explains things and makes it fun --doesn't hurt that I am a science nerd so I appeciate his technique as well...I watch unwrapped as well and now I won't go near a lot of stuff! its disgusting what they put into something and call it edible or food!
  • mapnerd2005
    mapnerd2005 Posts: 363
    When my mom was battling cancer (melanoma - wear your sunscreen), she watched the food network channel all day long. She particularly loved Paula Dean, but watched the other shows as well. And I was there with her watching a lot. After she died (a little over 13 months ago), I really had no desire to watch any of the shows, but I had always liked Good Eats because I am a geeky science chick. Anyway, if I happen to have time to watch TV and Good Eats is on, I'll sometimes watch it because I like Alton. If I were a teacher, I would show the shows to my class. I've only watched unwrapped a handful of times (because it's on after good eats), and it makes me NEVER want to eat the foods they highlight. Something about foods coming off a conveyor belt does not sound appetizing to me. It's just not right!
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