Favourite go to meal thats quick

MadisonsMom2009 Posts: 36 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I am finding between working and kids I am eating whatever is handy at the time good or bad....and the last month I have been very conscious of what I am putting in mouth to get me back under control.....Being short on time just wondering what your go to quick meal is???

Jackie :)


  • khoolette
    khoolette Posts: 73
    ...one piece of 12 grain bread with natural peanut butter is always my "rush out the door" breakfast :0) Just enough protein to hold me over.
  • JandCsMommy
    JandCsMommy Posts: 35 Member
    Usually a frozen dinner or 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 20 mini pretzels, and 2 TB tabouleh.
  • nroesler
    nroesler Posts: 81
    My fav go to meal (and I'm glad your Canadian because I don't think they have Superstore in the states or elsewhere) is President's Choice Blue Menu Lean Italian Meat balls and raita dip (an indian style yogurt, cucumber and dill dip) and veggies. There are other things to dip into like hot sauce, honey mustard, tzatki, BBQ sauce, marinara or really anything that works but I'm partial to the raita (also from Superstore). They microwave in 90 seconds and are filling, low cal and so yummy!

    6 meatballs - 160 cal (I usually have around 10)
    2 tb raita - 25 cal
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    I am in the same situation as you busy busy busy with kids and family life. I keep many quick fav. in the freezer and pantry. One of the reasons I love Trader Joes. :D You can find many awesome quick foods you just have to be diligent about reading labels. I like to ook for things with minimal preservatives (like MSG,asorbic acid, etc. ) and sodium. I love Trader Joes chicken apple sausage, and they have a bag of frozen roasted bell peppers and onions I mix the two together with some spicy mustard. That meal takes about 15min. :) I also love thier veggie lentil soup (had it for dinner tonight actually! :smile: ) easy and delic. I keep soy nuggets in the freezer and toss a few in a salad. I always carry a Lara bar with me so if I get caught somewhere and can't get good food on the go I'll much that instead. I always have non fat plain greek yogurt in the house too. It's great as a substitute but also makes a killer snack with some almonds and honey. Sometimes for lunch I'll pack a sandwich baggie with 1 serving size of the veggie flax tortilla chips and have that with a serving of hummus. Hard boiled eggs with some veggie sticks make a great meal too. Quick and easy. I'll be stalking this thread for more great ideas! :smile:
  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    If I know that I am going to have a busy week I make things ahead of time - cook good meats to put on salad, etc. Also, I keep lean turkey and ham around for sandwiches - use laughing cow cheese wedge on one side of the bun, avocado or a good mustard on the other, the meat and some veggies... takes about 3 minutes to prepare, good for you and tastes really good too.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    wish we had trader joe's here in Denver! I like "breakfast tacos" so I always have tortilla and can scramble an egg and salsa to add.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    My favorite go-to meal is scrambled eggs! Usually with laughing cow cheese, spinach, mushrooms & canadian bacon.
  • MadisonsMom2009
    MadisonsMom2009 Posts: 36 Member
    Thank You everyone this really helps!!! I was not thinking outside of my regular foods I eat....Lots of ideas I had never thought of!!!

  • kwannabee
    kwannabee Posts: 15
    I have been keeping fruit platters in the fridge, grab a few peices with cottage cheese and eating cruncy rice crackers or drizzling with yogurt or fat free chocolate sauce.

    or i grab an apple or peach, with a lite baby bel cheese ( i think its also called laughing cow in the States??? i could be wrong) and a large cup of chai tea with just a bit of milk-that usally my 'late for work' breakfast!

    or other things i like are granola bars heated in the microwave with a half cup low fat frozen vanilla yogurt....

    but my favoruite thing is my Magic Bullet (i dont work for the company promise! :wink: ) that little thing is a lifesaver...i make smoothies, soup, and hummus or pasta sauces ALL the time. I dont buy jarred stuff at all anymore! So i control the spices and never add any salt.
  • All of the ConAgra Healthy Choice frozen meals seem to be pretty good, and from my analysis of them, they seem to be, for the most part, legitimately healthy. You really have to be careful about foods that make that claim, as the ingredients and actual nutrition stats often reveal a different story, but these are fairly nutritious, low calorie, high protein and taste awesome. Quick too.
  • kwannabee
    kwannabee Posts: 15
    Yesterday i tried those VitaTop muffins (100 calories / 1.5g fat / 7g fibre and 4 g protein) Holy Crap! I couldnt eat anything the rest of the day...i had to force myself to eat a little at supper time...but that little nugget of a muffin top was a tummy bomb! If you're a weight watcher its only 1 point! :love: And it was Chocolate...it was the only kind i could get here but apparently there are tons of varieties...if you can find them in your store.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Talapia (pan seared). Microwaved steam veggie, and Bush's Black Beans.
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    We grill a bunch of veggies on the weekend (eggplant, zucchini, squash, etc.) so they're handy all week. Put it in a wrap with a little hummus, and you're done!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I do heuvos rancheros.
    I change up the way I do the egg from this blog, but pretty much the same. I just scramble my egg.
    Egg, tortilla, cheese, salsa, black beans.
    Awesome, quick, (takes about 5 minutes once you have it down) filling, and around 300 calories depending on how much cheese you use, how you do the egg, how many black beans, blah, blah, blah
    It's good. Just try it! Heehee!:laugh:
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    My favourite super quick meal is without a doubt stir fry....chuck veg in a pan, with prawn, or meat, or other fish, cook for a few mins, add a little oyster sauce, and youve got a tasty,filling, and quick meal. You could always bulk it out with some rice noodles. :D
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