weekend troubles

Hi there
I have been logging for 13 days now. I have a goal to lose one pound a week. I want to lose 60 pounds. I seem to be having trouble at weekends -going way over my calories. Any tips please?


  • Damien_Scott
    Damien_Scott Posts: 108 Member
    The biggest and only tip i can give you is... STOP IT!

    Other than that.. if it's because you're sitting around doing nothing and staying up all night.. you should focus on eating more whole foods and spreading them out throughout the day. plan around your dinner and then fill in the rest of the day with the other calories.

    Make better choices to what you eat. Stop all soda/chips/cookies/bread/pasta/empty calories. All of this stuff is super high in calories and you end up hungry a couple hours later. Once you can manage your day to day goals without messing up you can start to give up calories in breakfast/lunch to RARELY have some of those empty calories.

    If you don't have a digital scale get one.
  • Damien_Scott
    Damien_Scott Posts: 108 Member
    Also, substitute things you normally eat with similar things that are lower in calories. I eat wraps instead of bread now when I want a sandwich.
  • moonriverlady
    moonriverlady Posts: 4 Member
    Yes I guess you are right. Having calorie laden goodies in the cupboard is posing a problem. I have been kidding myself that I buy them for the rest of the family but I end up eating them. I will stop buying them. Thank you
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Yep, pre-log your day and follow your plan.

    If you feel like getting up for an unplanned snack, get up and do a household chore instead. Or go for a walk around the block.

  • kaves
    kaves Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2015
    Wine oh wine! ... I need to cut back number of glasses. I don't drink Monday to Thursday as like a clear head for work but once I open that wine on a Friday there seems no holding back ... Now I've started to log on my fitness pal the issues will become apparent - here's to cutting back then!
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Try going for walks when you feel like snacking. Drink water when you feel like snacking. Do you have a gym membership? You tube has great stretch and yoga workouts for free. I like the classic stretch exercises. Good luck!/ Cindy
  • moonriverlady
    moonriverlady Posts: 4 Member
    Kaves yes alcohol can be a bit of a problem at weekends too. Seriously thinking of going off it or restricting to once a month on a night out instead of drinking at home.
    Thank you for the You tube tip. I am will be doing that very soon.
  • blackkappi
    blackkappi Posts: 26 Member
    Preloggging my day help me alot. Also entering, mesuring and counting all the junkfood I am having makes me realize more how much calories they are.